View Full Version : X Men III (2006)

05-24-2006, 11:47 PM
I have watched it ... I will write more ...

but as of now ...
- good action, weak characterization
- very watchable for a commercial blockbuster ...
- hmmm ... San Francisco ... where I was ... ;)

more imptly, i wrote early to inform that ...
DO NOT LEAVE UNTIL THE CREDIT ROLLS FINISHED ... there is 1 more scene at the end ...

05-26-2006, 02:45 PM
So many talented people to make a shoot 'em up any more. Its a shame there isn't a better vehicle to highlight their talent. However, X-Men III isn't all that bad. In fact, it is entertaining at times, despite the emphasis on explosions and some rather intense violence. This is probably the best of the three X-men films.

This time the mutants are really serious (I guess they weren't in the first two films, just kidding around about being serious). The humans really mean to shut them all down with the development of a new drug that will reverse the mutant strain and make them all normal. Unfortunately, that is not enough of a plot to make sitting through 1 hour and 44 minutes worth while.

First time director, Brett Ratner, used to directing music videos, handles the action sequences quite well, until its time for actors the calliber of Halle Berry or Ian McKellen to act. Then the film falls on its music video face. Ratner does not have the experience to bring out the kind of performances that would have put this film over the top. When we do get to those heavy emotional scenes, and there are at least three major ones in this film, all we get is a cliche reaction taken from another film. Here was Ratner's chance to stand out as Sam Raimi did when he first stepped up to the plate in Spiderman and Spidey 2. Xmen III never quite comes up to that level, though Ratner certainly had enough emotional material to work with (can't give anything away, but there is plenty of 'death' in this one).

X-men III is a slick package of visual entertainment, filled with great stunts and visual effects. It will definitely be the hottest ticket in town this weekend, kicking Divinci in the behind. But it could have easily become the blockbuster of the summer if only someone with a bit more vision and feeling sat at the helm.

Almost all Hollywood films end with a happy ending. X-men III differs in that it vascillates between happy and sad, as do we when we exit, uncertain if we are happy or sad with the result.

05-27-2006, 02:40 PM
Ratner has really tarnished Singer's story. Where the hell did all of this stuff come from?

I think the thing that pisses me off the most is the handling of my favorite X-Man, Kitty Pryde, a.k.a. Shadowcat. Like with many characters in the movie, all they did was take the powers they had from the comics and ignored any development that they had achieved throughout the series.

For fuck's sake, Kitty Pryde's in love with Peter Rasputin, assholes. And while I admit that Ellen Page satiated desires I've had for the character since Wolverine #125, she really wasn't tough enough.

Not to mention they didn't suggest that Cain Marko is Xavier's brother.

I'm getting more and more pissed about this.

Perhaps the one redeeming quality of the film was the handling of the Phoenix, although even then things were way out of whack.

05-30-2006, 06:09 PM
Halfway through the movie I was praying for more Vinnie Jones.
Brett Ratner delivered.

Not too much chitty-chatty in this and I'm glad.

You got a lost boy from THX who's a threat to all mutants.
"The Cure", as it were.

Xavier dies. Or does he?
Jean Grey dies. Or does she?
Scott what's-his-face dies..

New cool characters, old favorites get more to do, the story is pure comic book, British Columbia is where it takes place (not San Fran as the moviemakers would have you believe) and I enjoyed the action set pieces. Excellent entertainment.

Some pretty boss SFX from Weta.
Cases in point: the "Wizard of Oz house scene", the opening "armageddon" scenario- I love the big fireball erupting behind Logan, the Golden Gate-to-The Rock centerpiece- awesome! Almost believable! and all of the mutants' various powers. Award-worthy SFX.

Anna Paquin got robbed of quality screen time.
She had basically nothing to do.
Too bad, cuz she's a babe- I love that silver streak in her hair

Ian McKellan & Patrick Stewart are sterling.
These guys have arrived at what Modine said Kubrick had at the end of his career: THE STROKE. Clean, precise acting. They ARE their characters and they add so much verismillitude to these X-Men movies. Without these casts, these movies would just be 3 Starship Troopers.

The new trailer for Superman got my blood pumping.
Krrrryptonite for all other summer movies....

05-31-2006, 05:50 PM
Thankfully you reminded me of Patrick Stewart. I enjoy him wherever I see him. For Christ's sake, it's Picard!

05-31-2006, 05:55 PM
And speaking of Superman, soundtrack.net has John Ottman's first clips of the new score. It obviously plays off of John William's fantastic score, which greatly excites me.

05-31-2006, 09:49 PM
Have you seen the new poster?
The one with Supes hovering above the earth?
What a beautiful one-sheet.

Can't wait for this movie. Brandon seems to be acting in a way that stays true to what Chris Reeve did.
Reeve's Superman was clearly a GOOD GUY, a noble alien, out to help the earthlings.

There's gonna be some BIG scenes in this puppy. Big set pieces.
I can feel it. Singer knows that a movie of SUPERMAN must kick ass. He said in an interview that he thinks he's gonna deliver. After those excellent X-Men's, I feel safe. And happy.

Man DC Comics are making a comeback!
A bullet and a number one with Batman Begins, now Superman is ready, and I heard they are working on an Aquaman feature. That excites me immensely because I'm a huge Aquaman fan. Fuck Namor- Namor is a fag.
Arthur Curry came before the Submariner, despite what some fanboys think, and in my humble Aquaman is BOSS.

People rag on the character because he "talks to fish", has a wimpy costume and goofy sidekick Aqualad.
Yeah, but that's all old school. Have you been reading lately? Specifically ONE YEAR LATER issues? Insane artwork and stories.
I paid 20 bucks for a variant cover of Aquaman just last month. He looks and acts like Clint Eastwood ( a la G.B.U.) with stringy surfers' hair. He deals with out-to-lunch creations like King Shark and shit. And his costume has been re-vamped. Aquaman is bitchin, folks. I wrote my own Aquaman script a few moons ago, that's how much I love Aquaman. And hearing that they're working on a feature is great news. It could be a surprise hit if done right...

But right now, it's the season of Superman, the second coming of Kal-El.

Boo yah.