View Full Version : Ultimate Fighter- good TV
04-04-2006, 01:27 PM
I watched Spike TV over the weekend and I'm totally hooked on this Ultimate Fighter shit.
I watched 8 episodes back to back, 8 straight hours of UFC.
I just kept knocking back the Absolut & O.J. & watching the Ultimate Fighter 2.
In case you don't know what it is, it's a "reality" show where all these tough guys battle it out to get a 6-figure contract and a car and the title of "Ultimate fighter".
They vary in ages and martial arts styles, and brotha, it was some damn fine TV viewing.
Ultimate Fighter 3 begins Thursday night- a new "season" I guess.
I missed UF2 and it was awesome to see the whole thing unfold in one 8-hour marathon. (It was called Spike's BRAWLS TO THE WALL weekend)
The guy who impressed the Holy Hell out of me was Luke Cummo.
The guy was like a Zen monk!
He eats insane organic shit, he reads comic books, he loves movies, his training is off the charts.
In my opinion he beat Joe Stevenson in the final showdown.
And I think Joe knew it too.
The judges gave Joe the decision but I was fucking pissed.
I was shouting at the TV.
Now Joe was one bad mofo for a 23 year-old.
That challenge where he did circular crawls over the heavyweight
was Un-Fucking-Believeable. He did 204 rotations!.
He just DID.NOT.STOP. Everyone was blown away and the other team just forfeited the challenge.
Damn right. you can't compete against animals like that!
He was pegged from the start to be the winner (and he did win) but I think Luke beat his ass- the judges just didn't see how skilled Luke was. It was like they WANTED Joe to win.
But to Joe's credit, the first thing he said after the decision was
"Luke's the MAN- I took him lightly...I shouldn't have".
And Luke took the loss like a true Champ.
But before the decision Joe looked like he was PRAYING for the decision- he was about to CRY!
But both men were worthy. I think if Luke had another 5-minute round he would've taken Joe out. Joe was exhausted and Luke was still ready to go. Seriously, I was so pumped watching these two go at it, Luke was like fucking Buddha! Joe does NOT have the mental conditioning that Luke has.
And last night's show was the biz-zomb.
Ken Shamrock got beat like a fucking gong by this new LEGEND Tito Ortiz.
Anybody watch this stuff?
I've always hated Shamrock. He's an arrogant egomaniac.
Yes, he's a "legend" of the UFC, but I always thought he was overrated. And Tito made his face look like LASAGNA!
Elbows, punches, knees. Shamrock is 38- a GEEZER in fighter terms, and Tito trains like a motherfucker.
He lived and breathed beating Shamrock and what a great fight last night's was. These guys HATE each other, and they are the team leaders of the next UF3 show. Tito made hamburger outta Ken's head. TKO- Ken's corner stopped the fight.
Boo Yah- who's your daddy, Kenny?
Tito Ortiz is the new breed.
But you know, as awesome a fighter Tito is, the best fighter in UFC history is the current heavyweight champ, the man who DOMINATES that weight class:
THE PIT BULL of Belrus. (Andrei Arlovski)
Anybody see this guy?
He's a freak of nature. He wears FANGS in the ring.
I think his punches are like 100-pound cinder blocks coming straight at your head. Last night he knocked out some southern-states asswipe in 15 Seconds.
Dropped him like South Park dropped Isaac Hayes.
BOOM! What's my name?!
Funny you should mention it. I think its some of the best theater around. Now, to really rock your world - check out a fighting league in Japan called Pride. You can get it on dvd. The fighters are better than UFC, theres no cage (so things dont come to a stop) and technique and smarts generally win over brawn. Fighters from Brazil, Europe and Asia with all different techniques. I can watch UFC, but the Japanese have got a much more sophisticated version. Less about violence, more about a long tradition of combat.
04-05-2006, 09:35 AM
Thanks for the tip!
I hear you on the cage (octagon).
To use Tito Ortiz as an example, he wouldn't have gotten as many shots on Shamrock if he didn't have him on the ground, pressed up against the cage- a trademark of Tito's. Shamrock knew it too- he was frantically trying to spin away from the "wall".
Those elbows just kept rainin'...
I think smarts is what wins matches more than violence.
You gotta have your head screwed on if you wanna beat a guy like Andrei Arlovski. He will KILL YOU.
He said: The only thing I care about is my victory. That's all I concentrate on. My victory, any way, any method.
The real thrill for me with these shows is seeing these guys talk trash and then get STOMPED.
I love it when there's a guy who's just a little too big for his britches, a little too mouthy or showboaty or arrogant and then he gets his ass handed to him. Great theatre indeed.
Nothing better than seeing some goomba who thinks he can beat God get his ass handed to him.
PRIDE sounds great. Who's the distributer?
can you order it on the net?
Yeah, two bigshots in a ring and one must go down. It's a thrill. The thing with Pride is you can have a bigshot trash talker standing by himself in the midst of 40,000 non-bigshot non-trash talking Japanese fans and he can look really silly. But the Japanese appreciate the panache. And then some zen master jiujitsu guy will just put him in a snakelike choke and the whole things over in the blink of an eye. Very interesting and very mythological in a way.
Distributor for Pride. Not sure but is the big source for info. is the official Pride site. Do a little research on the best ones to watch/buy 'cause some are a little sleepy just like with UFC.
Some fighters worth seeing : Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira (maste of jiujitsu with a deadly triangle choke), Kazushi Sakuraba (the Japanese call him the "I.Q. fighter" and he really undoes the Gracie clan over the course of a few years), Vaderlei Silva (a jiujitsu specialist but an animalistic fighter, and currently the best), Mark Kerr (a sad story in a way but a gentle giant of sorts)... lots of others who youll discover in watching. Bas Ruten does the English commentary so its always insightful and interesting.
04-10-2006, 01:18 PM
Gravy, P, gravy...
Royce Gracie always annoyed me.
The guy could never stand up and go toe to toe.
He always choked you out or submitted you with some hold.
I'm not taking anything away from him- that's how you win fights, but man, there's no action in chokes or armbars!
I wanna see fists flying, knees!
Know what I mean?
Gracie was a master on the ground.
I saw the first episode of TUF3 and it was tasty.
Tito and Shamrock will go at it at the end. (again, and Ken is toast again- I'll bet some dollars on it- Tito is just too good).
But Shamrock is a pretty lame coach if you ask me.
Tito gets in there with his guys- he wrestles them, he does all the conditioning and exercises WITH THEM. That's what a good trainer does. He doesn't just stand there and bark at you.
In the army all of our NCO's did the pushups with us, they ran with us, they were on our asses every minute. How are you gonna get respect if you don't set the standard?
Shamrock gets a big thumbs down for just "looking down" on his fighters. And they complained about it too. He's already looking like his team will lose the competition.
The first fight was weak. The Canadian kid from Surrey B.C. whupped ass, but he was chosen because he could easily do so against that whiner: "OW! OW!" did you hear him crying with every punch? Lame-O.
I hope the series gets better as the weeks go on.
Thanks for the info on pride. The attitude indeed is what matters.
I really hate Chuck Liddell too.
His stupid Mr. T whitey haircut, his lame-ass commercial for Xyience "PERFORMANCE!" (man do I hate that commercial) and his all-around trailer-park vibe just rub me the wrong way.
Whenever he fights i want him to lose.
Same with Chris Leben- what is with that shitty hair-dyeing thing in UFC?! Joe Stevenson, Tito, Leben. You guys should be beaten just for the dyed hair. And Leben's rooster-red do is just retarded.
Tim Sylvia will get whupped again by Anrdei Arlovski at UFC59.
I'm gonna go to a sports bar to check it out next week, after I see Jello Biafra do his thing. (I'm in Ottawa for a month again this year).
04-11-2006, 12:20 PM
Last night's "preview" for UFC59 was good.
I learned that Chuck Liddell & Randy Couture both beat Tito in the past.
That shook me up- I can see Couture, but Liddell?!
And then I learn that Forest Griffin is training with both of those guys in preparation for the match with Tito.
I still have my money on Tito, but after seeing how Forest is training, (was he given a gift by Dana, the UFC prez who had his own little conflict with Tito?) it could go either way.
Tim Sylvia is no match for Arlovski.
If he beats Andrei it will be a major upset.
Andrei broke Tim's foot with a submission in the last match, after knocking him down with one of those massive right hands.
Plus Tim had his arm broken in a previous match.
He's the biggest fighter in the UFC- I think it's a disadvantage against a guy like A.A.
Arlovski said "I hope Tim has been training"
And he means it.
Originally posted by Johann
I'm not taking anything away from him- that's how you win fights, but man, there's no action in chokes or armbars!
I wanna see fists flying, knees!
Know what I mean?
I kind of know what you mean, but chokes can be very exciting. They may be the only way for brains to win over brawn, which can be nice. We could use more of that in the good ole us of a...
Not that I dont love a good toe-to-toe. I do. May the best fighter win!
04-13-2006, 11:41 AM
What was that?
US of A?
You want me to get political again?
Oh, alright, TWIST. MY. ARM. :)
Bush's approval ratings are so low now that's he's almost in the single digits. (to match his I.Q.!)
I've been watching CNN a lot lately- something I'm not known to do. That channel is like a can of bug spray and I'm Gregor Samsa.
The ego of Lou Dobbs is so penetratingly obvious through the screen. He's gotta fat head and a massively fat ego. He thinks he's the best newsman since Cronkite.
Someone needs to tap him on his expensive-suited shoulder and let him know that he doesn't know shit about the immigration issue.
If you gotta government that will not spend money on border control don't complain that people are getting in.
Don't piss and moan about the 11 MILLION who seized an opportunity to be a part of the big Amerika buying system.
11 Million, Lou. ELEVEN MILLION. That's more than a few "rascally devils" who are sneaking in the Land O Opportunity.
Your government has failed once again, this time in border control.
It's time CNN started REALLY reporting the problem, not dancing around it.
And boy do they dance!
They do the cha-cha and the meregue around the fact that Bush is the worst President ever and that apathy & fear haven't been this much of family friends since.......uh, NEVER.
And Lou, don't call them illegal aliens. I fucking hate that.
If I tiptoe across your border and get myself a 10-cent-an-hour job and pay taxes, I'm not illegal.
Plus, I came from EARTH. Not Jupiter. Last time I heard, aliens came from the Dagobah system or from the rim of an event horizon, not an hour up the road.
If your border is a seive, that's not the immigrants' problem- it's yours. Time to start placing some blame on your leaders.
I know that doesn't really work (nothing sticks) but blaming those who have nothing to lose doesn't work either unless your border is tighter than a nun's....
If you had insanely tight border control and insanely tight immigration policies, then you have a leg to stand on. The government will NOT spend money on border control. Or port security- you saw Clinton speak- one in twenty cargo containers are searched?! Holy fuck- ZERO SECURITY FOLKS! You saw Fahrenheit 9/11- remember that State Trooper who patrolled practically the whole damn coast?
Blame the Red White & Blue's GOVERNMENT, LOU DOBBS!
Did anybody see the Daily Show yesterday?
They had a guy on who said that these illegal immigrants are LEGAL because they know that if they do not toe the line that they will be DEPORTED IMMEDIATELY. Did you hear that, LOU?
They. will. be. deported. if. they fuck. up.
They want to stay. They want to work. They want to be citizens.
Of course there are exceptions. Of course this isn't the case across the board- you'll always have assholes & idiots who are just fcukin' around, just here for the opportunities to be criminals and doofuses. But generally speaking these people have a valid point, and watching Congress stonewalling is just sick.
Id much rather talk fighting than politics. Its my duty, I know, but the fuckheads are so clear that I dare not waste my breath on them. That's probably not the right approach, but for now it's all the energy I can afford their ugly ways.
Kazushi Sakuraba is a great person to look at in terms of brain vs brawn. The IQ Fighter, as he is known, finds unlikely ways of beating bigger, badder opponents, including the self-proclaimed genius Gracies.
For a quick and underrepresentative clip take a look at this: (http://
You can view in your broswer or download. Well worth it. He was a master; has fallen on hard times and ever softening brain tissue in the past few years, but a hero nonetheless.
04-18-2006, 11:29 AM
The last episode of TUF3 was very weak and the next one doesn't promise any exictement either.
Noah messed up his foot just before the match and although he won, he was fighting an amateur. They were both amateurs- not really worthy of UFC- and unless Noah turns into an animal, he's going home soon.
Shamrock is taking his guys out to the driving range to relax?!
My God is this lame. Golf is for egomaniacs and rich clowns.
(Mini-golf can be fun though, with a few beers and a cool course)
I didn't go out to see UFC59 because I was in a totally other mindset after attending Jello Biafra's spoken word performance.
I bought the album "Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables" on sat. and have been listening to it non-stop. (I had no Dead Kennedys LP's in my collection- had to get with the program!)
It was incredible. He came out after his booming voice came from backstage, acting as Big Brother a la 1984, warning of what will happen to you if you don't meet curfew, if you don't toe the line and if you don't worship the state.
He was wearing a black mackintosh, a Nazi-style hat and the coolest set of shades since The Matrix.
Then he immediately took it all off (after the applause) and asked for the house lights to come on so he could see the crowd. "You don't want to listen to me in the dark do you?"
He had a cool Seig Howdy black leather vest, a black & white cowskin shirt & the famous Lone Star belt buckle as his attire.
Looked great.
Then he launched into the greatest spoken word show I've ever seen.
Raging about the United Snakes of America, he layed it all on the line, BARE, for all to hear and contemplate.
He showed us the mail he received for Bush & Cheney '04 (with an 8x10 glossy of Bush & Laura: "she has evil eyes. No wonder: she FUCKED this man". He said they didn't even mail it addressed to his real name. They used Jello Biafra!
His speech DIE FOR OIL, SUCKER was the standout of the show. Before he did it he said that he had retired it, that he wasn't going to do it anymore, but for some reason he decided to do it on this night- they were recording for a live CD.
The Ottawa crowd was so into his show. It was practically sold out and he lamented about the small numbers he drew for Montreal. You had your stock punkers and cool "hip" people, as well as the people who WISHED they were. Some doofuses were there. I saw 'em. And a couple Grandmas! wow.
He put Afghanistan in perspective: DRUGS, anyone?
Drug lords & organized chaos.
Heroin production is up 3000% since the U.S. started bombing.
Hmm. I wonder why.
Canada shouldn't have to lose a single soldier for this shit.
Why are we there?
What possible benefit does Canada have by being in Afghanistan? We've already lost soldiers.
(And 4 were killed by the U.S.!)
A big steaming pile of political B.S.
Jello ranted for over 4 hours (with an intermission).
It was awesome.
His mimicing Bush was spot-on:
Freedom! The War on Terror! Freedom! The War on Terror! Freedom! The War on Terror! Freedom! The War on Terror! Freedom! The War on Terror! Freedom! The War on Terror! Freedom! The War on Terror!
Like a fucking doll with a pull-string..
After the show he was extremely gracious. He met with us who wanted an autograph. BTW, if you go to a Jello spoken word gig, he'll only sign Alternative Tentacles releases- that includes Dead Kennedys records. No Tentacles logo on the back, he won't sign it.
I think any real Kennedys fan should take note of that.
Jello was betrayed by his former band and it's sad.
He calls them a karaoke band now, because they have a reunion tour going on and they're using his songs and his image and he has no say over it whatsoever. He is pissed. He thinks the profits from all Kennedys records are "going up East Bay Ray's nose". He said "even though I get some money, I'm not allowed to know the source of that money- do your homework on this. The breakup of the Dead Kennedys was a 15-year conspiracy. People lied on the stand".
He signed my Natural Born Killers soundtrack and I'm stoked beyond belief. He said Wow- You know I've never signed one of these before? So I'm one lucky S.O.B. folks.
And no, it'll never show up on eBay.
04-21-2006, 09:41 AM
Last night's episode of TUF3 was as lame as I thought it was gonna be.
"The Gladiator" (ha ha) got sent back to England by a kid from Hawaii. That's what you get when you eat pizza & ice cream and have a holier-than-thou training plan.
I liked the guy- I would've had a beer with him- but cripes mate, the way you were "training" only set you up for a trip home. I wanted him to send that kid back home to pick pineapples. He's formed an alliance with Solomon, "Team Dagger" and they plan on making it to the final two. Maybe they will- it's working like a charm so far.
So Shamrock ignores fans, eh? No autographs? no time for the peons? I agree with Tito. No respect is deserved, none is given.
Shamrock's whole vibe is just wrong.
It was great seeing the special on Royce Gracie just before TUF3.
He beat Shamrock, he beat everybody.
And now I cannot, cannot miss UFC60 on May 27th.
Gracie is taking on Matt Hughes.
Gracie is undefeated in the octagon. As he said "This is my house- I built it". I don't like Matt Hughes. He may be a great fighter, but his attitude just rubs me the wrong way. Plus his naff ears and goofy grin make him look like a freaky pumpkinhead.
I hope Gracie has still got the game (he's an old fighter now).
I will admit that if Matt clocks him in the head Royce will go down.
Matt's one strong puncher. But this boy is going up against a legend. THE legend of the octagon, and I can't wait.
04-24-2006, 12:32 PM
Wow- I don't believe it.
I just found out online that Tim Sylvia beat Arlovski at UFC59.
I am dumbstruck. Holy cow what an upset.
I gotta see a re-run of this show to see how he did it.
They say that Andrei knocked Tim down in the first but Tim took it like a man and came back to knock A.A. out.
wowza. I'm truly stunned at this news.
I was 1000% sure Arlovski would destroy Sylvia.
That just proves that no matter who you are, you can be brought down. You can be the best fighter on the planet but if you get clocked with a properly timed blow...
Tito beat Griffin- no surprise there, but I read that the crowd was won over by Forest.
Gracie Vs. Hughes is a HUGE main event and I cannot miss that.
May 27th. BE THERE...
04-28-2006, 10:18 AM
TUF3 was O.K. last night.
We saw Shamrock's lame coaching skills once again.
He gives his guys old UFC videos to watch, he gives them days off, they complain about not trainining hard enough, etc.
He has an emergency meeting because he heard through the grapenuts that he wasn't as good a coach as Tito.
Whatever. He's NOT as good a coach as Tito.
Or fighter.
The best thing about this episode was the fight.
Blood, knees, elbows, kicks, the whole enchilada.
Yassuh, that's what I like.
The "Undefeated in the U.K." kid whupped the New Orleans boy.
Big John stopped the fight after a brutal right hand sent Shamrock's second pick to the floor. His SECOND pick?
Ken's lookin' worse with every passing week.
05-05-2006, 10:27 AM
Pretty good episode last night.
Tito & Ken got into a little pissing match, and Solomon was sent packing.
The makers of this show stole a page from the "Survivor" playbook. They build you up to think something is going to happen and then things change.
In this case they went outta their way to make you believe Solomon was gonna destroy Rory. "Team Dagger" was a short-lived pipe dream I guess.
I was very happy for Rory. Even Tito doubted he could win.
Solomon was one mouthy gap-toothed prick.
He trash talked like he was the baddest man on the planet. He tried to pick a fight with Mike Bisping after the fight announcement, he was CERTAIN he was winning the fight.
What bliss to see his stupid ass in the octagon after being K.O'd mumbling "Who won?"
Ha Ha.
Tito's team has won 4 fights in a row.
Shamrock's gotta be feelin' the heat...
05-12-2006, 01:15 PM
What a waste of an hour last night was.
I was thoroughly pissed off that this episode contained nothing more than some training clips, shots of the house and way too much time spent on Noah's "CRISIS".
And to top it off, there was NO FUCKING FIGHT.
Noah is a coward, a pussy and a stupid clown.
He passed up an opportunity of a lifetime by choosing to go home.
He gets a yellow envelope with his name on it.
He's visibly shook up at the house- something BAD was in it.
A family member died, one of his kids is sick, SOMETHING BAD.
He's really upset.
But he won't tell anybody what's wrong.
Finally he lets the guys in the house know that his girlfriend (of six months!) thinks he's cheating on her.
Oh. My. God. Call the Police!
The guy says his mental state is too out to lunch to focus on the competition. He wants a phone call. Dana says no: the other guys in the house would love a phone call, but they are not allowed. Why should Noah get a phone call?
Dude decides to drop the competition (of which he was in the semi-finals) and head home to see his stupid chicky-poo.
Bye-Bye loser.
And it's almost bye-bye show.
They didn't show the fight last night between Josh and Tait.
Why? I was angry.
The Ultimate Fighter 3 is almost written off for me.
Shamrock is clearly a dumb coach, the fights haven't been all that exciting, and with the lame-ass shit like Noah and his girlfriend and the deaf guy getting his bell rung (well deserved apparently) and being served sandwiches by his bum-buddy afterwards....
I expect more from this show
05-30-2006, 09:53 AM
Last Sat. I went to the James Street Feed Co. to watch UFC 60 and left very angry. I spent over 70 bucks on food and spirits before the fight and then at 10pm.... NO FIGHT.
No. Fucking. Signal.
The place was packed with people waiting to see Hughes vs. Gracie, and they can't get the satellite feed. I was ANGRY.
The bartenders didn't know what was wrong.
Apparently all feeds in Ottawa were down. I found out who won from a guy near my table whose brother in Northern Ontario got the pay-per-view.
Matt Hughes beat the Legend. I was told it lasted about 4 minutes, with Gracie breaking his own arm to get out of a submission and the ref stopping the fight after Hughes was pounding Royce with punches.
Matt Hughes is no joke folks. If what I heard is true, this guy is a legend in his own right. I don't like Hughes as a person, but as a fighter, you gotta give him his props.
As for TUF3, The May 18th show was weak but the fight was good. Tait Fletcher (bodyguard from L.A.) lost a decision to Josh Haynes from Oregon. Like everyone else, I thought these two were gonna go another round. But the judges said they had a decision. Tough break, Tait. Maybe now you have time to go properly shave...
Last week's episode sucked the big weenie.
Tito had no choice but to have Danny fight Ed Herman.
Danny didn't have a hope in hell, despite his bragging.
He pissed and moaned about his back, and GAVE his arm to Ed to submit. GAVE IT TO HIM. Here, take my arm and break it!
07-14-2009, 10:16 AM
Just some notes on current UFC stuff:
I just saw the landmark UFC 100 fight between Frank Mir and Brock Lesnar and it was beautiful.
I hate Frank Mir with a passion.
I hate all guys who talk shit all the time.
Who run their mouths to the point of being assclowns.
Frank Mir trash-talked Brock so much that I was PRAYING that Brock would dismantle him.
And dismantle him he did.
The first fight (that Mir won) was a fluke, a win by a mistake by Lesnar that Mir capitalized on. That's all. If Mir was so fucking great a fighter that he claims (he thinks he can beat Fedor?!??!- fuck off Frank) he would have had no trouble with Lesnar.
But no, he got beat down and pounded so badly up against the cage it's unreal.
And the best part for me was after the fight and Brock goes right up to the bloody pulp of Mir and says:
Hella Yeah!
Hella Yeah!
Hella Fuckin' Yeah!
And on the same night, Legend Dan Henderson annihilated Mike Bisping (a guy I like and who's never been knocked out).
For his first knockout, Mike sure as hell got clocked.
You watch it- he looked like he was dead after the ref stopped the fight.
UFC is brutal brutality. All the way.
I understand why "gentiles" don't like it, who think it's cro-magnon shit. I get it.
But you know what, with so many men out there who are pussies, with so few avenues besides the army to be tough and brave, I LOVE MMA fighting. LOVE IT.
Anyone else who loves it knows why it's cool.
Because it's a system of separating the men from the boys.
It's a way to make men Legends and make pussies who run their mouths learn that they're pussies. Frank Mir just learned it.
Lesnar has had only 5 fights and already he's stomping all comers. I'm watching how he improves and progresses with huge interest. Call me a cro-magnon. I don't care. I love UFC.
07-23-2009, 12:12 PM
There is a huge hatred for Brock Lesnar out there and I totally understand it. People just don't consider him to be MMA material.
That's fine.
Dana White (Prez of UFC) is trying to get a matchup going with Brock and Fedor, which will satisfy the Lesnar haters because we all know that Fedor is practically unbeatable. True, that. Watch his fights.
The man is a machine. He's so calm in the ring, like a Zen Master, reacting to his opponent as is necessary. He's just plain amazing to watch, and I know why Dana is so keen on getting him into the UFC.
Fedor turned them down before, understandably, because when you sign a UFC contract, you sign your rights away. they own you, basically. Fedor said "No thanks" before, so maybe Dana is lightening up the restrictions to please Fedor. If he gets into the UFC, he'll take that belt from Brock with little trouble and go on to reign supreme for a good long while. Oh yeah. He WILL.
He's the best fighter on the planet right now.
And Frank Mir? He wants a rematch!
Ha ha.
He said that if only he weighed ten more pounds he would've beat Lesnar. OK Frank. Whatever you say Pal.
He said his kids were watching the fight and he's upset over how Lesnar handled his victory. Don't bring your kids to an MMA match you idiot! What are you, retarded? Yes. Yes you are. With your jew-fro and your flappy gums.
Go back to the gym buddy. Learn some more. And gain another 40 pounds if you want to handle Lesnar without a submission.
08-01-2009, 10:20 AM
I haven't heard an apology from Mir about all the trash talking he did prior to UFC 100. That really pisses me off.
Sure, he's admitted that he "pretty much got owned" and that he underestimated Lesnar's wrestling skills, but dude, Brock beat you fucking senseless. For talking smack. For 15 months. Because you felt superior because you beat him before with a fluke foothold. Brock should've beat some respect into your trash-talkin' bitch ass, but no, all I've seen and heard from you is grudging quips and gripes about how your kids were at the fight.
People think Mir is great and I don't get it.
I look at the whole package, not just fighting skills.
What kind of man are you Frank?
Admit you're sorry for that deplorable trash-talk you did.
I'm all for trash-talk. When it's justified.
And if it wasn't (because, say, you got your ass whipped BAD) then you admit it. More than just stating the obvious.
You admit you were an assclown.
That's the first stepping stone to regaining respect.
I have none for Mir and never will.
10-13-2009, 10:21 AM
I know I'm the only member here who follows UFC, but I like posting my thoughts on it.
November 21, 2009 is a big event date.
My friend Brock Lesnar faces Shane Carwin for the Heavyweight Championship.
When I say "friend" I mean it. Brock accepted my friend request on facebook when I ordered from his Death Clutch website- and now he's reached the limit for friends on there- he has announced that he won't accept any more friends becuase facebook only allows a 5000 person limit ! MySpace has WAY more.
But to get to the matchup, it's difficult to predict even though I strongly believe Brock will win.
It's difficult because I've never seen Shane Carwin fight.
I have no clue who he is or what he's capable of.
But if he was selected to face Brock for the Championship then he must have serious skill. Brock has gone on record talking about how Carwin hasn't really faced anybody, that his fight record is "1-0", that his oponents have been nobodies.
Carwin said in a recent interview that Brock is ignorant about his record and said "if I could kick his ass tomorrow I would".
Ok, Shane. Let's see you execute a win on Brock.
This seems like an exciting match, but I don't know for sure how it will go. If Carwin somehow beats Lesnar, it will be a spectacular upset, a career-maker for Shane. In fact, if he pulled off a defeat, he would be an instant Hero to many many Lesnar haters. He would. He'd be hailed as a Giant-Slayer. And he would have my respect. I don't know who he is, but seriously, if he somehow beats Brock, then something historic and wild will have gone down.
I have all the confidence in the world that Brock will get it done again and keep his belt. He's just an awesome man who's proven that he can go toe to toe with Legends (Randy Couture for one) and beat them fucking silly. Man, I could watch that Couture TKO over and over. Brock used his head as a basketball! It was unreal!
And Frank Mir? WOW. Greatest MMA match of the year.
So beautiful I ache inside.
To see that assclown Mir get the living shit pounded out of him was so amazing I can't even believe it.
Go Brock Lesnar!
youtubing the lesnar couture fight now... wow, the dude is huge. Looks like a comic book character. unreal...
10-14-2009, 07:16 AM
Brock is definitely a big big man. But he can move like a cat.
Many people have commented on how fast he can move for his size. He neutralized Frank Mir's "superior" ju-jitsu skills.
He just smothered him, broke in his hips and fed him punches to the face until the ref stopped the fight.
Just like his trainers said he would. "If you can't create your space, technique goes out the window".
And the way he trains is pretty damn impressive.
Watch his videos on his Death Clutch website- it's insanity.
Randy Couture griped about how big a guy he is when asked to give advice to other fighters who will fight Brock. It seems MMA fighters don't like great big guys. But if you have skills that are way "superior", like Frank Mir (HA HA HA!) you should be able to take him out. Right? The bigger they are, the harder they fall, right? Brock may be an exception. He's dead serious about being the greatest UFC Heavyweight Champ ever.
He's here and he's no fucking joke.
His fists can snap out faster than a boxer- that's how he caught Couture, with a whip-snap fist that grazed his head. Then he just went to town on the "Naturals" head. That dude needs to retire.
If he loses his next fight (which is coming up very soon- before the Lesnar/Carwin), I think you'll see him announce his retirement.
I'm not saying Brock is unbeatable- he's been beat already in his UFC career and he may lose again, but right now he's learned and grown by leaps and bounds with each fight.
He avenged his one loss (in a truly spectacular and justice-is-served way) and he seems to have no worthy opponents in the heavyweight division.
I'm following his career closely. He impressed me beyond belief by annihilating that fucking idiot Frank Mir. God do I hate that guy.
Everytime he opens his mouth I want someone to fill it with a fist.
He's so full of himself and talks so much bullshit it hurts.
His website has never acknowledged the brutal defeat he suffered, and even his fans have been telling him to nut up or shut up. He's an overconfident assclown. He has said (in a commercial of all things! a commercial for shoes!) that 99% of the people on the planet couldn't beat him. OK Frank.
I guess that big dumb, oafish wrestler is part of that 1% then?
Man, when the ref for that match said "touch gloves..let's make it official" and Brock turned his back to Mir...WOW!!!
That was so amazing. And then he just annihilates Mir.
Best match of the year.
10-27-2009, 01:08 PM
The Carwin/Lesnar fight has been postponed until 2010.
That sux!!
Apparently Brock has a bad illness that has interrupted his training. OK...
Heal up big guy and put on a beast-like show!
Don't make your fans wait for too long...
05-06-2010, 01:03 PM
Alright, so what's going on in the UFC universe nowadays?
The Light-Heavyweight and Heavyweight divisions are the only divisions I care about. If you don't like that, stop reading now.
Saturday night is UFC 113, with the main event being a rematch between Shogun Rua and Lyoto Machida.
Shogun is convinced that he won the last match, despite the judges decision. Machida is an absolutely amazing fighter to me.
I wish I had his skills.
Machida is a difficult opponent to fight. He's very "elusive", very difficult to find a weakness on. Tito "the Tool" Ortiz never landed a single punch on Machida. It was hilarious. Tito chased him around the octagon and got JACK SHIT on him. I used to like Tito. But now I see how much of a goof he is. He can't hang with the evolved fighters in the sport today. There was a time when Tito was dangerous, but now? Retire Teeto! Retire today! lol
Of all the fights I've seen Machida in, he's displayed a Zen and style that is just beautiful. He truly "floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee".
I'm pulling for Machida all the way. His whole aura is awesome. I like how he approaches fights and how he's so calm.
But Shogun is a very dangerous man. He ain't no chump. His kicks did major damage to Machida the last fight. Machida said he was walking around in pain for 3 days after the bout...this match on Saturday's for the Light-Heavyweight title. Go Machida! I hope the victor has a DECISIVE win, so there's no doubt as to who the better man was in the cage.
Someone on some MMA website made the accusation that the last fight for the interim Heavyweight belt was rigged, that Frank Mir was PAID to take a fall. I find that hard to believe, but I do wonder about it.
The guy made a claim that in order to have much bigger paychecks/pay-per-view/gate at UFC 116, they wanted an earth-shaking Main Event, something that sells like nobody's business- even long after, with DVD sales and shit.
MIR/LESNAR 3 just doesn't hold enough juice. Especially since it's only been a year since UFC 100..
So this guy thinks that Dana White and the Masters of MMA fighting at Zuffa paid Frank Mir to take a fall against Shane Carwin?
If that's even remotely true, then there is a possible mafia/fraud scam going on here on a large scale.
Don't go all Don King on us Dana! Say it ain't so that fighters are paid to take a nosedive like Sonny Liston just so you can have bigger gates!
That would turn me off the MMA game de FACTO.
Is there a WWE-type hype machine being well oiled here? Is Dana taking notes from Vince McMahon & his Champ Brock? Who knows, but I'm certainly contemplating it. I am thinking about it.
I find it very difficult to believe, but at the same time I've made a little mental note about it. Let's just say that that kind of corruption "is possible".
That said, Brock Lesnar vs. Shane Carwin on July 3rd is probably the most exciting MMA match I've heard of.
It doesn't really matter who wins- both guys are worthy champions. My "rooting" if you will, goes to Brock, because he actually has much more to lose than Carwin. Carwin has a perfect record. With no fight going beyond the first round. He's a Legend already, at age 35.
How big will his Legend be if he knocks out Brock Lesnar?
Brock has the bigger task of knocking out a man who's never been knocked out, who punches like he's going to take your head off and who no one has been able to weaken. They are about the same size/weight (even tho Brock is taller) but Carwin has stronger punching power. He can knock you out with a SHORT PUNCH. A 2-inch uppercut can bring you to your knees! Just ask Frank Mir!
If I bet on this match, I'd bet on Carwin. Just because of his arsenal and his power.
But I'm a fan of Brock Lesnar. I'd like to see him win, keep his belt. Because then, nobody will say that Brock can't fight. He will truly be Champion and a man to be reckoned with. (he already is in my eyes, but there are still so many shitpumps who still don't think so- who does he have to knock out to shut these fucking jokers up? GOD?) And then that would set up Lesnar/Carwin II, which nobody is opposed to, right?
Brock has to prove that the Heavyweight belt is His, and His only. That's a tall order, given that his next opponent is the baddest man Brock has ever faced. And that bad man is undefeated. With hands like wrecking balls. Who dropped Frank Mir with 2 short uppercuts, the NEW and IMPROVED Frank Mir at that! Frank had put on 40 pounds! And Carwin finished him in less than one round! Brock took almost 2 rounds to knock Frank out...
July 3rd will be exciting as hell! (and strangely it's on the 39th anniversary of Jim Morrison's death)
05-06-2010, 01:13 PM
Oh yeah, and KIMBO SLICE fights Matt Mitrione on saturday night.
Do ya love Kimbo or hate him?
I'm kinda neutral...
05-09-2010, 12:43 PM
Well, my man Machida got knocked out last night. His first loss EVER.
Much respect to Shogun Rua. To dismantle Lyoto Machida LIKE THAT, wow you are a dangerous light-heavyweight...
I'll be watching how Shogun defends his belt quite closely. He's a machine.
And Kimbo Slice got TKO'd.
07-04-2010, 02:53 PM
Last night kicked major ass for me. I was hanging around the Molson Amphitheatre just waiting to HEAR Iron Maiden when some dude said "you want to go to the show?" and handed me two tickets. They were a hundred bucks a pop. I'm still reeling from that. The show was for Dream Theatre and Maiden, but I only got to see Maiden. But how much does that ROCK!?!?
This year has been unbelievable for me. I'm waiting for something really bad to happen. LOL
My Man Brock Lesnar managed to beat Shane Carwin in an amazing Main Event @ UFC 116.
But! he got dummied pretty badly by Shane. I thought it was all over, actually. I was waiting for the ref to stop the fight.
But Brock took it and was able to wear Shane out and get him in a triangle.
Still the UFC Heavyweight Champ!!!!!!
Still shuttin' up the fuckin' jokers who think he's "a big dumb WWE wrestler"
Shut Yo Mouth Sucka!
BROCK IS FUCKING KING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-16-2010, 12:55 PM
Let's take a second to address Frank Mir again, because he's a pest.
He's like a fly that buzzes really loud around your ear and you can't swat it away.
I read online that recently he's been analyzing video of Brock Lesnar's win over Shane Carwin and he seems to think he can knock out Brock because of it. He sees "flaws" in Brock's game that he feels he can expose.
First, why are you even thinking of a match with Lesnar Frank? You are barely even in the heavyweight division! You said you JUST DECIDED to stay a heavyweight. Glad you made that decision. It must have been an agonizing one..
You still think you can beat Brock when the man improves by leaps and fucking bounds with every match?
Holy shit your gumption amazes me!
Are you noticing in those fight reviews of yours that Brock is the toughest man in the UFC?
YOU YOURSELF would not have survived that unbelievable onslaught that Brock endured- YOU would've been outta there in 6 seconds!
Brock withstood that heavy shit and came back to submit the UNDEFEATED Carwin- you would never in a trillion years have done that.
A lightbulb should've gone off in your empty head that Brock is a true freak of nature.
That lightbulb should've gone off in your two fights with him, but you're a first-class arrogant shithead aren't you?
Man, what a pest he is.
Frank! You have no hope in hell of ever getting that belt.
The sooner you realize that, the sooner you won't get beat like a gong again.
Go do commentary for soccer Frank. You're much better suited to that.
08-16-2010, 10:23 AM
Just wanted to post that my pride in Brock Lesnar couldn't be any greater.
It's so fuckin' sweet that he kept his belt at UFC 116. And the way he kept it is amazing.
He submitted Shane Carwin.
NO ONE predicted that- Lesnar haters, Lesnar fans, NO ONE. (except Brock's trainers :)
It's so beautiful, what he did. Just when I thought that the greatest MMA match ever was Lesnar/Mir II, along comes UFC 116.
Wow. I'm still basking in it.
Brock basically shut up every single person who said he sucks.
He shut 'em up in Grand Style. Who's your Daddy?
How can the haters deny the awesomeness of Brock Lesnar? If you do, then why don't you cut off your nose to spite your face while you're at it?
The ones who still hate on Brock piss and moan that the fight was over in the first round- that Shane had Brock knocked out.
Well, it looked that way, didn't it? But you weren't the ref, who had a much better view of the action.
And Brock was moving, trying to show that he was still aware that he was in a fight, unlike Frank Mir, who splayed himself out like a hooker when he was being pounded out.
And all these Brock haters wouldn't be saying jack shit if Shane KO'd Brock in the second round, wouldn't they? DAMN RIGHT THEY WOULDN'T.
They'd be stroking their tiny dicks over how Brock "finally got what he deserved".
A WWE wrestler has taken over the UFC Heavyweight division. And he ain't giving that belt up until he wants to.
He was thrown to the wolves. he was never given any easy fights. EVER.
Brock's taken everything that's been thrown his way and where does he stand today?
'Nuff said.
Bless you Brock.
Pride ain't just a fight orgo. It's what I got for an awesome man who lives in Minnesota...
11-06-2010, 11:00 AM
The UFC has a new Heavyweight Champ, and I was reluctant to say anything until now. But you have to call a spade a spade...
My Man Brock Lesnar got the shit beat out of him by Cain Velasquez. In one round to boot.
I have huge respect for Velasquez now. He EARNED that belt.
I don't like criticizing my favorite UFC fighter at all, but you gotta face the music when you gotta face the music.
Brock was too cocky prior to this fight. He underestimated Velasquez big time.
During the pre-fight press conference Brock said "I don't think Cain Velasquez is the man who will take the belt from me"
That was a red flag for me beacuse it was the same thing he's said about other opponents. But I paid it no mind, because this is BROCK, my Man!
Cain is the first serious MMA fighter that Brock has faced to me. I can hear peeps criticize me now: "What about Mir? What about Couture?"
Ehhhhhh, I'm actually unimpressed with those two. Unimpressed.
Couture got his head pounded off the mat like a ping-pong ball by a novice to MMA- that should not have happened.
Mir is just a joke. And always will be. Hair-gel addicted/arrogant mouthpiece.
Cain took Brock apart.
Like a surgeon.
It was unreal.
Brock's face looked like hamburger after the fight.
I only hope that Brock doesn't lose his resolve and comes back to conquer.
11-23-2010, 10:37 AM
UFC 123 was beautiful.
BJ Penn wiped the FLOOR with Matt Hughes. In 21 seconds!
It was unbelievable. I'm no fan of BJ Penn- I actually don't know what to make of him. Moon-pie face, spindly body...
But Man, he destroyed Matt Hughes just the way Hughes should be in the octagon.
I respect Hughes' record and what he's done, but as a person I can't stand him. I hope he truly vanishes this time. 21 seconds?
Put a fork in Matt Hughes.
I hate the way he talks, the way he acts, the arrogance..all of it. His whole vibe annoys me.
Yes, he's strong as an Ox, yes, he can fight, I'll even say he's a legend of the UFC.
But as a man, he annoys the hell out of me. I wouldn't want to be in the same ROOM as Matt Hughes.
He annoys me that much.
And my *other* Man (besides Brock) Machida lost a decision to Rampage Jackson.
ONLY because Rampage was more aggressive. I couldn't believe it.
Machida is a better fighter than Rampage. And Rampage knows it- he said in the post-fight press conference that he doesn't want to give Machida a rematch but he has to.
He admitted he got "an ass whupping". Damn right you did. He bloodied you up, Quinton! You barely eked out that decision.
05-04-2011, 12:59 PM
UFC 129 was held in Toronto last Saturday, a Massive event, with over 55, 000 fans packed into the Rogers Centre. (SKYDOME for purists)
Georges St. Pierre won by decision, which is how he wins every fight.
I wish he would take on Anderson Silva. Do it Georges!
Move up in weight class. Take on someone who will actually give you a run for your money.
Until you do, I feel your just ducking the competition. Word.
My 2nd favorite fighter in the UFC RETIRED RANDY COUTURE!
Lyoto Machida kicked Couture literally out of the UFC!
Karate Kid kick to the kisser!
Bam. Career over. Good. No more Senior Citizens in the UFC.
12-12-2011, 10:56 AM
Just a quick comment on Machida/Jones @ UFC 140:
I put some money on my man Lyoto Machida winning last Saturday night and I lost.
Jon "Bones" Jones is a fucking animal.
He just made me a fan.
He dropped Machida like a bad habit- I was absolutely amazed.
Machida's elusiveness frustrated Jones to no end in the first round, but he figured out how to attack properly in the second.
He made Machida bleed and choked him unconscious.
Never in a million years did I think a fighter could own Lyoto like that.
No one has.
Until now.
I'm very impressed with Jon Jones. I'm actually speechless that he demonstrated so much dominance over Machida.
He's an animal- he's defeated 4 champions in four fights.
I'd say he's arrived!
01-23-2012, 12:56 PM
One of my favorite UFC fighters has retired.
Brock Lesnar took a beating from Alistair Overeem and he announced that we won't see him in the octagon again.
I have to admit that the fighters today are just absolute monsters. Brock can't compete anymore.
These heavyweights are animals.
I loved what Brock did to lift the UFC's profile, but when it's time to leave, it's time to leave.
A man's gotta know his limitations.
Brock cannot afford to have his liver destroyed, with the kind of kicks like Overeem dished out.
Man, some of these fighters are killers.
I love that Brock proved that you don't have to have a background in MMA to step into the octagon.
You need belief in your own abilities. He beat the living shit out of Frank Mir (a supposedly superior fighter) and if that's Brock's legacy, he can hold his head high. He was Heavyweight Champ for a while.
Now it's a division of ferocious animals and skilled monsters vying for that belt.
I love it.
I'm a little sad that Brock is done, but you gotta know when to fold 'em...know when to walk away...know when to run.
05-28-2012, 10:59 AM
Frank Mir Sucks.
Just watch that pathetic Heavyweight UFC fight he was in last saturday night.
This clown just will not go away.
I said it years ago Frank: put a fork in you. You're done.
Junior dos Santos beat him like a fucking GONG.
8 minutes and Frank couldn't do a damn thing to save his lame ass.
I hate Frank Mir so much...
08-13-2012, 08:19 AM
I haven't posted about the UFC in a while, so I'm gonna do data-dump posts here, in parts. I've always followed it, I just don't want to seem like it means more to me than film. Because it doesn't. But Boy, do I love the UFC!
Re: Frank Mir vs. dos Santos (the May 26 fight in Vegas):
Mir looked fat and slow and heavy, and he gassed out. And he can't take a punch. The preview that profiled both fighters showed that Mir is utterly narcissistic and arrogant. He owns a private gym, so he can babysit his kids- their toys and jungle gym shit are EVERYWHERE- how does he focus on training with that noise around him? I'd go fucking bonkers! We see one of his kids puke in one of the clips. Nice.
It was utterly amazing to see Junior dos Santos land incredibly hard shots to Mir's empty melon- you see Mir wince and try to shake out the cobwebs on one right hand to the forehead in that bout. And then there is that gorgeous right hand that rocked Mir so hard he fell backwards like a sack of potatoes to the mat. I've seen it in slow-motion over 100 times. That shit is POETRY! Mir needs to be punched as hard in the face as any opponent can muster, and dos Santos did it. And watch Junior's hand when you watch it in slo-motion. He strikes Mir on the button, and then RETRACTS his fist like it was on autopilot! Dangerous man indeed. Watching Junior fight is a Joy. He is a beautiful fighter- he controls everything in the octagon. You have to force him to beat him, or he'll force you. At will. Mir couldn't do a damn thing. He looked like a buffoon in there. Bigger man. Heh.
And the absolute best part of that whole fight was that EMPHATIC hammer fist to end it. Junior just sledgehammers Mir's skull with a definitive one-drop hammerfist, as if to say, GET OUT AND DON'T EVER COME BACK.
Alaistair Overeem is out of the UFC I think. He lied to Dana White about being 100% clean. He had abnormal levels of testosterone in his system and he was barred from getting a license until the new year, throwing the UFC into a scramble. After all the millions they spent building him up, to have this happen...Overeem is done. No integrity. As far as I'm concerned the fight with Brock should be erased from UFC history. And I think that's why Brock is in talks to come back. But I think he shouldn't. I love the man, but Junior dos Santos would defeat Brock pretty easily, and if you're just doing it for a paycheck, then just commentate. Don't fight. Brock has trouble getting hit extremely hard, whether it's in the face or a kick to the body. You have to be able to withstand insane punishment to win in the UFC. You must have a chin. No glass jaws here! Because most of these guys have one-shot knockout power. Wrestling is Awesome, and it is a much-needed arsenal weapon in any fighters toolbox. But outstanding wrestling alone won't secure the wins. It will on a lot of guys, but you need to rely on your toolbag in totem, not one thing. And you have to employ those tools lightning fast, because things happen lightning fast in the octagon.
Take Fedor vs. Dan Henderson (not a UFC fight, but indulge me):
That fight is so fucking incredible you have to see it to believe it. In one split-second, Henderson is being swarmed by Fedor (like he does like a ferocious animal) rocking and knocking Dan to the mat against the cage. In the middle of that melee Dan manages to somehow get an underhand uppercut that tags Fedor, something that has never happened before, at least not like that.
It was enough for Henderson to win the fight. Watch it. It's astounding. I was always curious to see how a man could ever knock Fedor out, and Dan Henderson showed how you have to do it: be 1000% resilient, even when you are being floored and rag-dolled. You just might tag that bastard and have the whole arena in awed disbelief.
08-13-2012, 01:39 PM
Junior dos Santos will be UFC Heavyweight Champ as long as he wants.
I'm incredibly stoked to see the rematch he'll have with Cain Velasquez, who just obliterated his last opponent in the last PPV.
Junior must be on his toes- Cain is on fire, and he wants that belt back big time.
That fight will be a Gladiator match. I must see it Live on PPV.
My favorite UFC fighter is Lyoto Machida, and he also has been outstanding since he last got dropped like a bad habit by Jon Jones, who will be facing Dan Henderson next, another fight that I'm beyond stoked to see. One of these days I'm going to a Live UFC event. Probably in Montreal.
When I do, I'll be sure to post about it.
Hendo, Machida and dos Santos are my top three favorite fighters. They are Heroes to me. Great Men, who have demonstrated what being a Champion is all about, even though Henderson has never won a belt. But who gives a shit about that? Look at that man's experience. Look at who he's fought. And beat down. The list boggles the mind. He's got a granite chin (some say the best chin in MMA) and he just annihilates with a passion. Love his style, love his Legend. Same goes for Junior and Lyoto. These 3 have the "X" factor, exploiters and destroyers.
They embody THE ART OF WAR axiom of "Know your enemy. Know yourself. You will never lose a war" (paraphrase) and the "If you see an opening, CHARGE IN. Everytime."
08-13-2012, 02:04 PM
There is a scenario possibility that I don't want but will live with if it happens:
The winner of the Jones/Henderson fight may be his next opponent.
I would like to see a Jones/Machida rematch badly. I really would.
But Machida/Henderson? Those two are my boys. I would have to take a side and that doesn't sit well with me.
And if that match were to go down, I would lay my money down on Machida.
Why Machida you say?
Well, you see, I feel Dana White has something in his craw for Machida, ever since he demanded to be paid like a Champion, which he deserved.
Dana put Lyoto in a position where he HAD to win a fight against Randy Couture or his contract might be tossed.
So what does Lyoto do? He goes in there and gets "KNOCKOUT OF THE NIGHT". He spectacularly kicked Couture right in the mouth, knocking him out, knocking his TEETH out!
Dana sneers that Lyoto is back in the mix. He makes him fight Jon Jones, just to rough him up, I feel.
Even though Machida is a better fighter than Jones (my opinion) he got hurt bad. He got roughed up.
So guess what this does?
It makes Machida's resolve turn into Mercury, turn into a fucking Lava of Discipline.
He just slaughtered Ryan Bader.
And he will slaughter anyone in his path. Even Dan Henderson. The resolve is that great. Nobody else sees it, but Holy Shit I sure do.
Machida is Zen.
Machida is Amazing.
08-13-2012, 11:38 PM
Lyoto Machida fights with a samurai mentality:
"Don't pay attention to the leaf. You won't be able to see the tree. Don't pay attention to the tree. You won't be able to see the forest".
That's why he's my favorite fighter. And that's why I'll put my money on him everytime.
08-15-2012, 10:14 AM
Another fighter who impresses the Holy Hell out of me is Roy Nelson, "Big Country".
He went the distance against Junior dos Santos and his record is flawless to my eye. People can talk all they want about Roy Nelson. I've heard every criticism of him: too fat, not a fighter, even not an ambassador for the sport. It's all bullshit. Nelson is a Beast. Youtube any of his fights and tell me he ain't a Bad Man. Tell me you don't respect him. You must be one of those people who think fighters should look like Ravishing Rick Rude. Cover fashion shows Fabio. You don't belong.
08-24-2012, 09:36 AM
UFC 151 has been scrapped, which is kind of a relief for me.
Dan Henderson is injured, so he isn't able to fight Jon Jones.
That means that my man Lyoto Machida has a shot at avenging his last loss to Jones and becoming Light Heavyweight Champion again.
I will be watching it Live on pay per view.
Can't wait. UFC 152 will be in Toronto.
08-27-2012, 07:07 PM
I don't know what the fuck is going on in the UFC.
Machida has turned down the fight with Jones, which baffles me beyond belief.
Jones is now fighting Vitor Belfort.
I don't know what the fuck is happening. I think they make it up as they go along.
Whatever..... I'm not in the business.
08-27-2012, 09:02 PM
Lyoto Machida said he wanted more time before he faced Jones again, which mystifies me. Machida is ready at all times. I don't fucking get it.
Jones refused to fight Chael Sonnen on 8 days' notice.
Are these guys true Champions? Holy Fuck.
Something is not on.
You got the belt? Then you fight the number one contender. Period. If he is injured then it's the next man in line. Period.
I just do not get the rules and mechanisms of the UFC.
This is some mickey mouse shit.
12-30-2013, 08:11 AM
UFC 168 was held last Saturday night, and Anderson Silva's career was basically ended.
He broke his leg (fibula) after Chris Weidman checked one of gangly Silva's brutal kicks.
I never liked Anderson Silva.
His disrespect for his opponents was colossal, and it wasn't anything he said. It was his showboating antics in the cage.
And he got away with it for eons. Until Chris Weidman arrived.
Weidman dominated Silva TWICE. Sat. night was the re-match after Weidman knocked "THE SPIDER" out in spectacular fashion in July, during a profoundly stupid series of sick mocks of his opponent. Weidman capitalized, and Silva got knocked the fuck out.
I always wondered who would be the man to do it.
Long after their match, Joe Rogan said beforehand he thought Weidman "could be the guy" to beat Silva but Joe is full of shit.
I never saw you predict that, Joe. In fact I've never seen you say anyone "was the guy" to beat Silva. NEVER.
Certainly not prior to fights. You are no Nostradamus, Joe.
It was awesome to see Silva get knocked out. Having his career end was alright in my book too.
You don't respect your opponent, GET THE FUCK OUT.
12-30-2013, 09:30 AM
To clarify (in the interests of not appearing like a hypocrite- I don't respect Stephen Harper at all), it is perfectly alright to show no respect to your opponent if they are an affront to your family, to your training, to your character, to your whole ethos.
Anderson Silva disrespected every single opponent he faced, and it was never warranted.
He is arguably the best fighter the UFC ever saw- he demolished people in super-human fashion. Some of the shit he did in the octagon was straight out of a movie.
That said, it went to his head. He looked down on his opponents. He mocked them.
Fans of Silva say that he would do that knowing that he could knock out his opponent at any time, that he was giving the fans "a show" because the fight could be over in 3 seconds. He showboated to extend the action the octagon.
What a crock of horseshit.
Let me get this straight: Silva was so dangerous that he extended his time in the ring just to put on a show?
Well I guess Chris Weidman put that fuckery to rest, didn't he?
While Silva mocked and danced and disrespected, Weidman capitalized on his fuckery. Didn't flinch. He attacked that fuckery and KO'd the Spider.
If Silva returns, and it's a big if, because Silva was saying it might've been it for him after the last match with Wiedman, then he won't be able to fuck around in the octagon anymore. That silly and stupid chickenshit behavior he displayed will not wash anymore.
Because he got his bell rung hard. Because he got Dominated.
But I don't think the Spider will ever return again to the UFC. If a KO made him think about hanging up the gloves, then breaking his leg will etch that shit in stone.
UFC 168 will be a DVD I'll buy and savour over and over and over again.
I never liked Silva, and these 2 bouts with the USA phenom Chris Weidman are KARMIC.
Weidman made UFC history, and no one will ever forget it.
Especially Anderson Silva.
12-30-2013, 02:10 PM
I've been reading the "comments" on all kinds of MMA websites about Anderson Silva's broken leg and the fight itself between him & Weidman.
Thousands of people are calling the fight a fluke, just like the first bout was a "fluke" win for Weidman.
Let me shut those Jokers up.
The only "fluke" was the injury itself- the way Silva's leg snapped like a twig- THAT was a fluke.
The check was not.
Watch the fucking replay. The check was technique, a technique that Weidman says he TRAINED for to fight Silva again.
He even gave a name to that technique: "THE DESTRUCTION"- it's when you aim your knee at the kick coming at you to hit bone on bone- it makes fighters stop kicking you. Weidman only had to lift his knee a couple inches because that kick was low.
That move was technical, and it worked. TOO WELL.
The "fluke" was Silva's ankle breaking like an eggshell and bending like rubber. THAT was the fluke. No one has ever seen that. Not in MMA.
All these excuse makers for Silva will not give Chris Weidman his due.
The guy is undefeated. Yes he's new, Yes he still has to prove his staying power, but Sweet Jesus, he DOMINATED the Best UFC fighter ever.
Quit crying in your cornflakes, Silva fans, and face Reality.
It was time for the Brazillian to pack it in.
A third match might see Silva KILLED in the octagon.
And we don't want to see that nastiness, do we?
01-02-2014, 01:26 PM
UFC 169 on February 1st will be great to see.
Frank Mir's career is on the line when he faces Alistair Overeem, a fighter who ended the UFC career of one of my fave fighters: Brock Lesnar.
Overeem suffered a knockout in his last fight against Travis Browne, who is an absolute BEAST. Browne just annihilated Josh Barnett (another Beast who destroyed Frank Mir previously) with a series of vicious elbows in UFC 168.
The fighters today are animals. And I think Frank Mir is WAY out of his depth. He's been slapped around and defeated soundly and roundly in his last 3 fights, and a loss to Overeem will send him into retirement. (Hopefully!- Mir is like a fly..he keeps buzzing around and being annoying).
I will be watching UFC 169 Live. Can't miss it. I can't miss the opportunity to see Frank Mir get destroyed again. Hopefully he will take the hint and retire if he's beaten again. I think he has to win against Overeem or Dana White will say Mir is no longer able to fight in the UFC anymore.
You need to win to have a career in the UFC.
3 strikes and you're Out seems to be a good UFC rule.
03-11-2014, 11:00 AM
Frank Mir got beat *pathetically* by Alistair Overeem at UFC 169.
The fight was a total bore.
Mir has lost 4 fights in a row.
And he's still in the UFC. WTF is going on???
I guess their talent pool is thinner than I thought.
Mir should be shitcanned from the UFC.
Don't even give him a microphone. I hate listening to him talk.
04-20-2014, 08:33 AM
I highly recommend buying UFC 100 on DVD. I have several UFC events on DVD and UFC 100 is my favorite.
I realize many MMA fans would not consider UFC 100 to be all that great or historic. The reason it's my favorite is simply because Frank Mir (and Michael Bisping) ran their mouths a lot when they really shouldn't have and got their bell rung. Mir Especially.
He talked so much trash, so much smack, it was unreal. The first match Mir had with Brock Lesnar is reviewed in detail in the bonus features, including commentary from both fighters as they watch a replay of the fight.
Mir claims he "Already has a win on him (Lesnar), how's it going to look if you get beat a second time? Where does that put you?"
Brock: Did he really come up with this stuff? ha ha. Look at his face in that fight. It looks like hamburger hill. I gave him that kneebar. And he knows that.The christmas present was handed out. I'm a Champion wrestler. He's a pretty boy Karate Kid. I have zero respect for him.
I really like Brock's quote when he gets back to the dressing room after winning the fight with a Knockout, with tons of punches to Mir's soft head:
8 MONTHS OF LISTENING TO THAT DUMPSTER TALK TRASH! *unwraps tape from hands* "You're looking at the right Champion".
Brock owned Mir during this fight. In the first round Mir ate huge fist after huge fist. Brock had him in what Joe Rogan called "a neck crank", on the mat, and kept wrenching his head back and forth, delivering huge shots to the face. Mir's head was trapped in Brock's strong grip. Nowhere to go. The bell saved Mir, but his face looked very swollen indeed. The second round began with Mir smiling, but that smile would be wiped clean off his arrogant face in a very short time. This was a revenge match, because Frank is clearly not a better athlete than Brock Lesnar. No way Jose. Granted, Brock may love beating people up more than actually "fighting", Mir totally deserved to be beat up like he was. I love some good smack talk, some great trash talk, who doesn't? But Mir was really stretching the truth in his interviews/promos. He was saying shit he could never back up, like "I was never a big fan of the weight training thing, I'm sure he lifts more weights than me- if it was an arm wrestling match I'd be in trouble, you know?" When immediately after getting demolished here in UFC 100 he starts to hit the gym and hit the weights. He packed on so much muscle and poundage after that fight with Brock it was ridiculous. He obviously felt that Brock being much physically stronger than him was something he had to compensate for. Nowadays he just lumbers around the octagon, a punching bag to whomever fighter he faces. It's sad.
I read on one of the MMA blogs that Mir might be the first UFC fighter to sue the organization for brain damage, that's how desperate Frank is.
I could see that. Frank is greedy enough. He said before he mainly fights for the money. It must've hurt to only get 10% of the money Brock got for UFC 100, eh Frank? Brock brought home the bacon. If you want to earn money as a UFC fighter, then you have to win fights. You have to be a Champion. I'm so tired of the talk about "The Old Frank Mir", and how he's just waiting to come back and dominate the Heavyweight division again. Bullshit. It'll never happen. I'm telling you, Frank should hang up his gloves and take a job as a color commentator. I wouldn't be saying this if he demolished Alistair Overeem. But he didn't. He got beat bad. I hear now he's on a "break" from the UFC. We'll see who Dana White has him fight next. He's gotta start winning or just pack it in. And I say pack it in. Don't even bother putting on the gloves Frank. You don't want severe brain damage. Cain Velasquez would send you to the hospital. He's a Beast.
UFC 100 has great preliminary fights too. Jon "Bones" Jones, Alan Belcher, Stephan Bonnar, etc.
Georges St-Pierre schools Thiago Alves in the octagon. Georges was all over him like white on rice.
Thiago wanted it bad, but he was just outclassed.
And Dan Henderson shut up Michael Bisping with a brutal right hand knockout punch. Bisping looked dead- he was out for like, a minute cold.
Dan Henderson is a fighter you have to tip your hat to. The guy has beaten some of the biggest names in MMA: Fedor, Rampage, etc.
Henderson & Bisping had just competed as coaches on the Ultimate Fighter (USA Vs. U.K.), and this fight was the co-Main Event of the evening.
Brutal knockout by Hendo. And the pounce punch right after...wowza. No wonder Bisping was out cold.
As I say, my main enjoyment of this DVD set is not just the fights. It's the Main Event. It was total ownership by Brock Lesnar of Frank Mir.
I never get tired of watching it. It is so sweet, with Brock getting in Frank's bloodied face right after: "TALK ALL THE SHIT YOU WANT NOW!"
Which garnered him some boos from the crowd. The fact is, Frank Mir isn't all that talented as a fighter. If he was, he would've beat Brock easily the second time around, and you wouldn't have me here enjoying it and savouring it. LOL
Pack it in Frank. You Suck. Make money as a Commentator. You love to hear yourself talk, so do the right thing and pack it in.
06-02-2014, 03:20 PM
I have UFC 129 on DVD, and I recommend it to buy.
It documents the biggest UFC event in it's history, held at the Skydome in Toronto in April 2011.
The main event was Georges St-Pierre vs. Jake Shields, and that fight was interesting. In my opinion nothing happened until the final round.
Joe Rogan says Shields was "bewildered" in the octagon in the early rounds, but I don't think that was quite it. I think Shields was just reacting to Georges style in a way that helped him in later rounds. If this sport had no time limits or round limits then Jake would have eventually knocked Georges out. You can say that's bull, but watch the final round. Georges' left eye was almost shut- he couldn't see out of it and it was bothering him huge. Another round and Georges would have been in serious trouble. Jake did not do enough (in the time allowed) to finish Georges, and after the fight Georges had to admit that Jakes' stand-up and striking were way better than he had imagined. Jake held his own against St-Pierre, he went the distance with him and could've finished him if had a round or two more. Jake wasn't so much "bewildered" in the early rounds so much as he was adjusting to the style and type of fighter that Georges is. It wasn't a particularly exciting fight, no amazing displays, but it was very interesting to me. It never went to the ground, which is where Georges dominates anyone and everyone. Georges is a supremely well-rounded guy, truly fearsome as an opponent, but Jake Shields revealed that you can beat Georges if you stick to a strong plan of attack (and have the luck of Georges deciding to stand up and trade blows with you). Some may say that Jake was just trying to survive, but that's bullshit. Look closer if you think he was just trying to survive. Jake inflicted some damage to Georges face. He was in a fight.
That said, 3 years later and Jake Shields is nowhere to be found. His contract was dropped by the UFC. Dana White said he was "just another guy in the welterweight division. His stand up never improved. We look at everything when considering a fighter, including money, and Jake Shields was just another guy in the division. What is he truly going to do with the animals in this division?"
So Jake Shields is just a guy who almost beat Georges St-Pierre. That's his legacy. Yawn. What happened Jake? No desire anymore to be a Champion?
UFC 129 also has one of my favorite MMA matches ever on the card: Lyoto Machida vs. Randy Couture.
What Machida did here was the best thing on the whole program: send Randy Couture into permanent retirement. With a karate Kid kick to the kisser, knocking out Randy and his purdy white teeth.
I have never liked Randy Couture or his style of fighting. He seemed to always just want to wear you down with bear hugs and wrestling, usually pinning you against the cage. He had a lot of sucess with that "style" but I never respected that style one inch. Same with Brazilian Ju-Jitsu- I do not like that style of fighting for a win. It seems very cowardly to lean on submissions for victory. I can't really respect a fighter who uses everything in his arsenal to beat a guy but then resorts to desperate submissions because he has no other way of beating his opponent (FRANK MIR!) Submissions do not have a higher value than a knockout to me. Submissions are necessary and I would never say "no submissions!" in MMA, I just don't like the fact that it gives lesser fighters (Frank Mir) something to brag about, when the evidence shows they were outclassed and not as good a fighter as their opponent. I've seen it countless times where a quick submission that comes out of nowhere secures a victory for a guy who otherwise would've been destroyed. Brock Lesnar is a better athlete and fighter than Frank Mir yet Mir claimed a victory in their first fight because Mir was dropped, ragdolled and pounded like hamburger until he realized he was in deep shit and went for that kneebar and got it.
Watch the fight. Mir was desperate in that octagon. He was getting pummeled in the fetal position after Brock dropped him with a shot to the face. I still say Mir will eventually sue the UFC for brain damage. He's not making good money anymore for his fights and he will get desperate.
Just as desperate out of the ring as he was in it against Lesnar. I hate his guts. No one more arrogant or stupid in MMA than Frank Mir to me.
A useless human being who thinks his "mark on the world" is way bigger than it really is. You are (and were) nothing but a blowhard punching bag Frank. Pack it in. You're done. I said you were done before, but you don't listen. Practise what you preach Frank! You said Nogeira was "not done", that it was like "cooking a meal". HA HA HA!! So how do you describe the match at UFC 100? You said "no matter what happens, UFC 100 will be my day". LOL It sure was. Your eyes looked like two pissholes in the snow after Brock punched your jew-fro head into the canvas.
"This ain't the WWE!" Frank. But you'd never know, because you wouldn't stick your soul into that furnace. Brock stuck his soul in your game, why don't you stick yours in his? He defeated the Undertaker at Wrestlemania this year! LOL Broke that Illustrious "Streak". Never been doen before in wrestling history! I know it's "fake", but you do fake Frank. You said there is "no deceit" in the octagon. Oh Yes there's you. Deceit is in the octagon when you step into it Frank. Because I happen to know you like to try to pretend you are hurt in there, to fool your opponents into a submission.
You are a Snake, Frank Mir.
I have zero respect for you and neither should anyone else.
06-25-2014, 02:05 PM
I'd like to add that UFC 129 has a great fight between Jose Aldo and Mark Hominick- it may be better than the St-Pierre/Shields bout.
The fight goes the distance, and Hominick was clearly outclassed but showed amazing heart. In the 4th round he was hit with an elbow by Aldo that caused the most disturbing hematoma in MMA history. I thought the fight was over at that point. It looked like Hominick had another head, as Joe Rogan said. It was a nasty hematoma. But the doctor checked Mark out, said he was good to go, Mark said he was good to go, so the fight went on.
It's crazy- you watch it.
Can't wait to see the next UFC event with My Man Lyoto Machida Vs. Chris Weidman- two fighters I really like. I won't even guess who will win.
Both guys have the chops to do the other in.
07-04-2014, 12:15 PM
I recommend Ultimate Knockouts 9 to buy as a DVD. Some really incredible knockouts on that disc.
Cain Velasquez Vs. Brock Lesnar is one; Brock got the living crap beaten out of him, in the same fashion that he beat Frank Mir. It was wild to watch.
Brock is/was one of my favorite fighters, but he got a serious beating by Cain. The folks who hate Brock? Here's your fight. LOL
Joe Stevenson getting knocked out by Mac Danzig was good, and one of the best knockouts was the Marine Corps Captain Brian Stann laying an absolute dominant beat-down on "Rooster DOO" Chris Leben. As Joe rogan said: "WHAT A STATEMENT THAT MAN MADE!!!" Hell yeah. Stann actually asked to fight Leben in his first fight- watch it and be amazed. I got a stack of new UFC DVD's and I'll post more about them soon. I am hooked on the UFC. Best Sport in the World!
07-07-2014, 10:20 AM
UFC 113: Machida Vs. Shogun 2
UFC 113 from May 2010 is a pretty good DVD to buy, with My Man Lyoto Machida taking on Shogun Rua for the second time. Each man was trying to definitively win the second match, as their first ended in controversy. 11 bouts in this set, including Paul Daley vs. Josh Koscheck (a suspension occurs in this match) and Matt Mitrione Vs. (joke fighter) Kimbo Slice.
Recommended DVD.
UFC 135: Jones Vs. Rampage
This event from Sept. 2011 is quite good. Josh Koscheck vs. Matt Hughes is a co-main event and I like how it ended.
Jon Jones dominated Rampage here, and I feel that Rampage may have thrown the fight just for the money. After the fight in the press conference he only had one thing on his mind and he told the press so: "(I don't care if I got beat)- I made a lot of money".
In the octagon after the fight Rampage also said "I'm glad I didn't get hurt too bad". ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
Dana White must've perked his ears up over that nonsense. Rampage said he was the "Best Rampage Ever" in the octagon when he fought Jones. Right. Then why do you look better in other fights I've seen, Quinton???
You looked better against Chuck Liddell. You looked better vs. Rashad Evans! Against Jones you looked like you were standing still!
UFC 135 has a better main card than the prelim fights. I love Nate Diaz' performance against Takanori Gomi and the Travis Browne fight vs. Rob Broughton was interesting to me. The prelims have a truly terrible fight between Junior Assuncao and Eddie Yagin. Skip that one. The crowd booed during most of the fight, and it was well-deserved.
Ultimate Knockouts 9 has over 32 fights on the DVD, and I loved about 10 of them:
Rich Frankllin vs. Chuck Liddell
Carlos Condit vs. Dan Hardy- what a BEAUTIFUL ending to a trash-talking goof!
BJ Penn vs. Matt Hughes- the 22 second KO from Heaven!
Mark Hominick's domination of George Roop- sweet!
Cain Vs. Brock- WOW.
Mac Danzig super-stoked over his KO on Joe Stevenson- very nice.
Brad Tavares unreal upset over Phil Baroni
Mike Russo's astounding KO of Todd Duffee- Joe Rogan said it was the craziest thing he's seen in over 1000 fights!
08-05-2014, 02:24 PM
UFC 111 is another excellent 2-DVD set from Anchor Bay. I highly recommend it.
Frank Mir gets demolished by Shane Carwin before the first round is over, as Brock Lesnar predicted. Shane got the interim belt, but interim championship belts are "fake belts", as Brock said also. "Interim" means "meanwhile the real Champ is getting in top form for the title fight".
This was the card that led to Brock vs. Carwin (which Brock won by submission), and to this day Frank Mir is still floundering around somewhere, getting ready to be the next punching bag to whomever. (For Money).
UFC is the best sport in the world.
Tell the Mayor.
08-07-2014, 12:18 PM
UFC 111's Main Event is Georges St.-Pierre vs. Dan Hardy (a British trash-talking goof who has never impressed me).
The fight went the full 5 rounds, with Georges doing the same thing he always does, taking his opponent down every time, and wrestling with him until he gets a decision. *YAWN*
When was the last time St.Pierre dazzled us in the octagon? Yeah, you're an awesome fighter Georges. But I'm getting immensely bored with you.
You don't pump me up! And why do you wear that Japanese headband all the time? You're from Quebec, right? What are you doing with the rising sun on your forehead then?
Same thing with Frank Mir. He's got all kinds of revolting tattoos with Asian characters- does he think he's an Asian fighter?
Is he trying to be a mystical or samurai or something? LOL
He's not. He just lumbers around the octagon, not doing anything remotely "martial art-like".
I also have been scrutinizing UFC 168, the glorious show where Chris Weidman broke Anderson Silva's leg like a twig.
Anderson is the most disrespectful fighter in the history of the UFC. He deserved to get his leg broken. I even feel he deserved WORSE.
That first fight was so pathetic to watch. Silva was mocking Weidman the whole time. Then Chris knocked his dumb Brazillian ass out.
It was glorious.
The re-match was even more glorious. This time Silva wasn't clowning around anymore. He just got really angry when Chris landed a sweet body kick.
You can see Anderson kick him back harder than he's ever thrown a kick before, in anger at being kicked. Chris checks the kick, and the career is over. Bye Bye Anderson Silva. You made a fortune, you and your grandkids can play videogames at home for the rest of your lives. :)
08-08-2014, 01:44 PM
I have a couple Pride DVD's as well, and that organization is where a lot of fighters who ended up in the UFC began or were a part of.
Pride 31 and 32 are not bad DVD's even though the announcers/commentators are not that professional to me, and the "production" is not as polished athe UFC is. The fights are pretty interesting, tho.
Butterbean! (Who doesn't love Butterbean?)
Fedor! One the best of all time.
Shogun Rua, Rampage Jackson, Kevin Randleman, Josh Barnett, Alaistair Overeem- all household names now, are on these cards.
Check 'em out. It's ropes, no octagon.
08-19-2014, 01:01 PM
Chris Weidman won a decision against My Man Lyoto Machida.
You can't say Weidman sucks anymore. He beat Anderson Silva (twice) and beat Lyoto Machida.
You have a CAREER in the UFC if you can beat those two fighters.
They are the two best fighters the UFC has ever had, in my opinion. It's the "Weidman Era" right now!
09-02-2014, 12:16 PM
UFC 166
An absolutely essential event to own if you are a UFC fan. This was the Epic third fight between Junior dos Santos and Cain Velasquez.
The 2-DVD set includes the first two fights between Cain and Junior (a very nice bonus).
It showed just how much of a beast Cain Velasquez is, if you had no clue before. As Joe Rogan likes to point out, Cain's work ethic and cardio is SUPERHUMAN. Apparently he outworks everybody in the gym, and trains with Daniel Cormier, an undefeated fighter who impresses me immensely. (Who also beat tool Frank Mir, so I love him anyways :)
Cain beat the snot out of Junior here, to retain his belt, and to definitively lay claim to who is the Best Heavyweight in the UFC.
It's unreal how Cain takes Junior apart over 5 rounds. To beat up Junior dos Santos you have to be a fucking animal. PERIOD.
09-03-2014, 10:28 AM
UFC 169
More can be said about UFC 169. I watched it again and I find it worth checking out. I studied the Overeem/Mir bout and it was a rout, as Joe Rogan correctly assessed. Mir was annihilated, actually, not merely beat pathetically.
Alistair Overeem put on a clinic with Mir.
In the Countdown program Alistair said he was gonna KO Mir, which I feel he could have done in the first round easily. Instead, The Reem decided to just toy with Mir, and systematically beat him to a pulp. The "ground strikes landed" statistic was shown at 1 minute and 35 seconds left in the third round, and it read like this:
MIR: 3
Yeah. It was a rout.
Mir cannot compete anymore in my opinion. He landed 3 ground strikes on Overeem and nothing else in the whole fight. Outclassed? SHIT....
Overeem played with him like a cat with dead mouse.
02-09-2015, 12:48 AM
If you may be wondering why I'm not posting about the UFC much anymore, it's because I'm disgusted with the organization after info has come out that they allow their fighters to fight while doped up on performance enhancing drugs. Anderson Silva has fought Nick Diaz recently, after having his leg broken by Chris Weidman (astounding! but not that astounding- Silva was on steroids!).
Diaz also tested positive for marijuana use. WTF is the UFC doing? These two were found guilty before the fight!
This all smells a little too mafia-esque, a little too Vince McMahon, a little too Don King for my liking, and until I see some serious changes to drug testing in the UFC, I don't buy a single DVD or watch another fight. This kind of thing DESTROYS companies, so you'd better get your act together, Fertittas & Dana White....It's so disappointing I'm ashamed to say I watch UFC now. And that SUX.
07-09-2015, 10:54 AM
Frank Mir fights Todd Duffee next wednesday and I'm looking forward to that. Duffee called out Frank, saying he's desperate for a payday. (Which is what Mir's all about, not fighting). Mir beat Bigfoot Silva in a yawner of a match, and hasn't faced any competition since he got KO'd by Junior dos Santos, ages ago. Why is Frank Mir still around? He's no legend to me. He's a disgrace. He wants a rematch with Brock Lesnar so badly he can't sleep at night. Brock just signed a big contract with the WWE, so he won't be coming back to the UFC.
How does that feel, Frank? You made Brock wait how fucking long for a rematch? 18 fucking months.
Enjoy it. Eat it. UFC 100 showed the world what a fighter you really are: a weak one. I hope Todd Duffee makes his career against you.
I hope he knocks you the fuck out. Todd was right: all of the UFC Heavyweights are busy, and you need a challenge Frank.
Everytime you face an opponent who's a challenge, you end up in the fetal position, getting your ass handed to you.
I will be watching this fight next wed. night. I have a vested interest in seeing Frank Mir get beat bad. It's one the pleasures of my life to see him get annihilated, as he did in UFC 100.
07-09-2015, 01:23 PM
Frank Mir should've packed it in after he was dominated by Alaistair Overeem, but no, he's still around.
It's mystifying. He'll never win the Heavyweight belt again, so what the hell is the UFC doing?
I just don't get it. Mir has nothing to offer. He got beat up by so many people that his wins are moot.
He wants another fight with Nogeira? A guy he's beaten twice? What the fuck for, Frank??
Is it because you can only beat old guys way past their prime? Jesus Frank, why don't you just pack. it. in?
You're still pining for a match with a WWE superstar, one who KO'd your ass. You don't get another opportunity after running your mouth like an idiot about Brock for so long. Brock is no dummy. He'll probably never set foot in the ring with you again. And not because he might get beat. It's because you're not worthy, Frank. Plain and simple. If that belt was yours, you would've taken it.
If you're that great, then you'd be a number 2,3,4 contender. But no, you're ranked 10th, and it means NOTHING.
07-17-2015, 08:45 AM
I have to give Frank Mir credit- he KO'd Todd Duffee in 90 seconds, ruining my chances of savouring another Mir beating.
Hey Duffee: you've just proven 3 things:
1) You talk a lot of smack and don't back it up
2) You have no chin, as many MMA followers said before the fight
3) If you can't beat Frank Mir then you don't belong in the UFC, Heavyweight division or otherwise.
Thanks for ruining my night Duffee!! I was banking on you annihilating that fossil! Now I have to endure listening to Mir gloat for the next 6 months. Jesus, I know fights can go either way, they are unpredictable, but Christ ALmighty Todd you should've had this one.
10-09-2015, 02:13 PM
Just a small post about the UFC and Frank Mir.
Mir was so excited by his quick defeat of Todd Duffee that he took a fight on pretty short notice against Andrei Arlovski.
Arlovski won by a decision. You see how Frank Mir operates? He tries to capitalize on minimal successes all the time.
Now he's bitching about how he wishes he and Arlovski could've skipped each other. Frank had it in his tiny mind that Arlovski and him would face each other for the belt, with Mir winning the title. Right. As Doctor Phil would say: "How's that workin' out for ya?", Frank?
Frank Mir is endlessly entertaining.
He wants a re-match with Arlovski, and so do I.
Let's put Frank back in his place, Andrei!
01-04-2016, 09:58 AM
UFC 193 saw Ronda Rousey get her teeth loosened with a brutal kick to the head. She is a polarizer in MMA, with people loving her or hating her. (And 'Ol Johann hated her :)
She put women's MMA on the map. I will not take that away from her. She raised the UFC's profile and got people's tongues wagging big time. The problem I had with her is her monstrous, grotesque ego. Everybody on the planet has an ego, but hers was galactically huge, and it wasn't justified. She dominated as women's champ. But I don't think she faced any real competiton until she met Holly Holm.
Holm was technically perfect in that fight. She took Rousey right out of the octagon, right out of the building. Took her apart like mechanically separated chicken. And that kick did so much damage to Rousey's medulla that I think it's over for her. If she steps into that ring again I'll be shocked. Ronda met her match and then some. I never liked Ronda. Something about her whole vibe was just plain wrong. There is something weirdly unpleasant about her. Her attitude sux so much that I took glee in her knockout. I still do.
Just like watching Frank Mir get pounded into oblivion in UFC 100 by Brock Lesnar brings me immense glee. Can't wait to buy the DVD.
I have zero sympathy for Ronda Rousey. She said at the weigh-ins that she was gonna show Holly Holm "Why I'm the Champ".
You failed miserably, Ronda.
Go make movies.
You lost your way and may never get it back.
01-05-2016, 05:34 PM
Another point about Ronda Rousey.
She refused to touch gloves with Holly Holm.
Someone needs to tell Ronda that if you don't touch gloves before the fight starts then you had better lay a beating down on your opponent. Because guess what sister? If you don't, you will look like the colossal fool you do right now.
Trash talk is Awesome. I love it to death. But My Sweet Lord you'd better be able to back up your mouth. Frank Mir learned the hard way. That's called the School of Hard Knocks. You've never been in that position before, have you Ronda? What's it like?
01-07-2016, 01:19 PM
With regards to a re-match between Holm & Rousey, Ronda's got a lot of work to do in the gym if she wants to defeat Holly.
There's not much in Ronda's toolbag that convinces me she'll defeat Holm, let alone "dominate" her.
What did Ronda say on Jimmy Fallon's show?: "She'll probably frustrate me until I make a mistake and then try to kick me in the head. But it's not going to happen that way. *smiles*"
Mmmm-Hmmm. Right-O.
She's not just arrogant. She's dumb. She's dismissive when she shouldn't be. What's THAT? I hear Johnny Cash!: "You can run on a long time, but sooner or later God's gonna cut you down".
Never underestimate your opponent in the UFC. If that person made the cut to put on those gloves, then they have the potential to take you out. You need brains AND brawn to be a Champion. There's a serious danger of believing your own hype when you win many times in a row. But you aren't invincible, Baby. You'll get your bell rung eventually.
As someone said on Twitter: "WE NEVER SAW HER GET HIT. Ever. When you get hit, you get a new perspective on Life... "
01-07-2016, 02:05 PM
UFC 196 is Feb. 6th, and the Heavyweight Championship belt is on the line.
Febricio Werdum (Champion) faces Cain Velasquez again, and I can't wait. Their last meeting was pretty damn epic.
Someone beat Cain! Will history repeat itself? Who knows? I have huge respect for both men. (Febricio is the first fighter to decisively defeat Fedor. That commands instant respect). I won't even dare to predict an outcome.
But it should be awesome. I'm watching it Live on PPV.
01-18-2016, 01:15 PM
Ronda Rousey has publicly stated that she isn't retiring and that a re-match with Holly Holm WILL HAPPEN in 2016.
OK Sweetie. I can't wait to see that. You'd better be boxing your ass off until fight night!
Because I don't see a damn thing in your toolbag that will help you beat Holly Holm.
Holly already put an exclamation point on your suckitude...what do you think will happen next time?
If you don't learn how to box, the only chance you have is to take her down...and you're not strong enough Ronda.
I will watch the re-match with Glee...
01-19-2016, 08:18 AM
My favorite idiot Frank Mir will face Mark Hunt on UFC Fight Night 84 in March.
I read that Mir had "career-saving wins" against Bigfoot Silva and Todd Duffee.
Um, Hello...Frank's career was over when he faced Overeem. His career was OVER.
Dana White must've felt pity for him, sad that Mir couldn't put food on his table anymore.."Let the boy fight" must've been Mir's Dad's plea...
Mark Hunt was never wanted by the UFC- they didn't want him on their roster when his contract was included in the Pride deal.
That angers me. The UFC is elitist, but I watch it just for the joy of seeing goombah's I hate get beaten up.
Mark Hunt has faced Febricio Werdum and lost (Mir hasn't), so I give the edge to Mark. He hits like a Mack Truck.
And Mark, if you're listening, knock that Vegas idiot out, Please.
Put a definitive stamp on it. I want no judges scorecards for a decision. I want that idiot KO'd like he deserves.
I'm sure I don't have to remind you that the UFC didn't want you in the octagon.
Lay a sinister beat-down on a coddled little child for me, will ya?
I'll buy you a case of beer- your choice of brand Mark!
01-19-2016, 08:58 AM
Sunday night was UFC fight night 81, held in Boston. I didn't see it, but I've seen the results.
Dillashaw lost his bantamweight belt to Cruz and Matt Mitrione was defeated by Travis Browne, and received a brutal hematoma and broken orbital bone for his troubles. Browne played dirty, using his fingers as a rake- poking Matt twice in the eye. (And the ref didn't deduct a point or declare a no contest-WTF?) Is being Ronda Rousey's beau making you a heel, Travis? I predict Ronda will dump you in the future. I see your relationship as a temporary thing. Please prove me wrong. I had respect for you- you KO'd The REEM! After being pummelled like a ragdoll. You earned my respect for that. But your recent fight with Matt was disgraceful. You won, but so what? I want a re-match between you two when Matt heals up! AND A NEW REF!!!!
01-19-2016, 12:44 PM
Mark Hunt has spoken! On his fight with Frank Mir, he said an hour ago:
When Frank fails to take me down, I'll Knock him out.
Right On, Mark! You got the right headspace. You're a KO specialist. Mir isn't. You hit real hard. I've seen it.
That's why I'm super stoked about this fight. Mir's a snake...beware...his head is full of concrete. Make sure you tag his temple or straight on the chin. Mir's got a thick skull.
01-19-2016, 02:47 PM
Here's more reasons to be in Mark Hunt's corner:
- he fought Alaistair Overeem, like Mir, but instead of being pounded to a pulp, like Mir was, the REEM felt Hunt was a big threat and moved fast to submit him. (and did- Overeem is a freak of nature)
-His fight with Junior dos Santos (which Mark lost) is considered by many to be the best heavyweight fight the UFC ever had.
How did Mir fare with dos Santos? Riiiiight. Hammer fist! Get out!
-Mark KO'd Roy Nelson. Nuff said. he KO'd Big Country. Mir didn't.
Who wins UFC fight night 84?
Mark Hunt. By KO.
01-20-2016, 12:18 PM
Frank Mir said in an interview (a bad one, where he's lounging at a spa or something with shitty sound) that Mark Hunt is a dangerous guy, especially his left hook.
Glad you're aware of that Frank.
Try not to tagged with it. You tend to forget who your opponent is in the octagon.
Kiwi Mark knows your only shot is to take him down and try to submit him. Good luck with that.
01-21-2016, 10:22 AM
More reasons to love Mark Hunt:
He asked to fight either Junior dos Santos or Alistair Overeem next, but he's not allowed.
He's already fought both guys and lost, and I certainly wouldn't want to step into the octagon against either one of those guys, especially after getting KO'd and submitted, respectively. I'd have to make damn sure I had adjusted my game accordingly before even considering that! Mark apparently is ready to do it again. That's fuckin' Awesome. That's a man with no fear and ambition for the belt! He's already thinking beyond Mir, saying he wants a Top 5 contender after he dispatches Frank. I love it.
I don't know why Alaistair Overeem isn't Heavyweight Champ- to me he's better than Werdum, better than Cain, better than dos Santos, and he's not faced any of 'em. (CORRECTION: He faced dos Santos- KO!) Werdum is Awesome, and if he's got the belt, then he's the baddest man in the UFC right now.
Overeem is so experienced and so damn BIG that he should be virtually unbeatable. That fight with Travis Browne showed that The REEM has a weakness- and it's mental. I think he had a mental slip by getting KO'd, because he was owning Travis until then.
He had a mental slip, forgot where he was, just like Anderson Silva got thrown off his game by Chris Weidman.
You wanna beat Overeem? MENTAL WARFARE in the octagon, Baby!
01-25-2016, 12:34 PM
Cain Velasquez is injured! The fight with Werdum has been altered! I won't be watching it on PPV!
I'll save my money and tell you the results instead! Yeah! Why am I using exclamation points! I don't know!
More brutal news:
Travis Browne is a woman-beater. My respect for Travis has evaporated. Travis is still married to another woman while he pokes Ronda Rousey! She hosted SNL, and was sporting a ring- and Travis's wife tweeted "Did Travis give Ronda a "Promise Ring???" and warned her how much of a mistake it is to date Travis, who beat his wife, apparently. You know, I really despise guys who hit women. You're not a fucking man if you hit a woman. There is no way on God's earth you can look cool or righteous when hitting a woman. NEVER. Even if the bitch deserves to be 6-feet under, YOU DON'T DO IT. You don't look good even if you were in the right. You look like a knuckle-dragging cro-magnon asshole fuckhead. And that's what you are, Travis Browne. You lay your hands on a chick, you're pure scum, for ETERNITY. If she deserves what's coming to her, then you get smart and find another way to one-up her. You don't lay a hand on a woman, ever. So make no mistake: Ronda Rousey is Dumb to the millionth power. Can't wait to see how the break-up with Travis will go down...
Sorry Travis, you're a fucking idiot. No respect will be given to you from this moment forward...
02-22-2016, 09:20 AM
I just learned that legendary MMA fighter Kevin Randleman died over a week ago. Sad news...
I've seen many of his fights, the best being his war with Fedor (which he lost) where he dumped Fedor on his head! The greatest slam in MMA history was in that fight, and it was Kevin's work. He lost the fight, but that slam is gonna be replayed for decades to come..
Werdum refused to fight in UFC 196 without Cain as his opponent, while at the same time citing an injury. I'm a little amazed that these guys can get out of a fight so easily. How are lawsuits not flying? I would never say guys get injured to get out of fights, but I really wouldn't be surprised. If I was a UFC fighter you'd never see me weasel out of a fight. Never. I'd never let anyone even THINK I was about that. You duck a fight, you're a coward to me.
Why'd ya take the fight in the first place, if ya weren't serious, dummy???
02-22-2016, 09:37 AM
Just some updates on the UFC (things change very fast in this sport!):
- My Man Lyoto Machida is gearing up to take on Dan Henderson again in April. Those two guys are my boys, and I hate that they're paired up again. But, as I said before, my money's on Machida. I love Lyoto's style so much..maythe best man win. I'll be watching with Bells On!
- Chris Weidman was handed his first defeat in December, at the hands of Luke Rockhold (what a name for an MMA fighter, eh?). Chris got ground 'n pounded into a TKO that bloodied up his face. Luke did some damage. Chris said he wasn't making an excuse when he said he fought with an injured foot- he thought he could beat Luke even with the injury. He was wrong. Watch out for Luke Rockhold, folks. The guy is impressive...You TKO Weidman you're a BAD MAN. :)
- Michael Bisping faces Anderson Silva very soon- Is Silva CLEAN, Dana White? Holy fuck do I hope so. I wish Mike Luck. I'd love to see him beat Silva. What a feather in his cap that would be...
- and in May Alistair Overeem looks like he'll be fighting Andrei Arlovski. Good luck, Andrei. I love you, but I have to give the win to The Reem. If you had trouble putting Frank Mir away, you'll be in the hurt locker against Alistair. But anything can happen in this sport, and if you beat The Reem you're in a very exclusive club...
02-29-2016, 11:47 AM
Michael Bisping won a Unanimous decision against Anderson Silva on Saturday night. AWESOME MIKE!
I watched the highlight reel, and Silva proved how much of a shitstain he is yet again, thinking he KO'd Mike with a knee.
Not quite, you disgraceful Idiot.
Bisping knocked Silva down with a right hand, I thought it was over then-clearly he had the upper hand. Silva played dirty, as he always does, and he's a complete fraud to me.
I want to start a petition to have Anderson Silva barred from fighting ever again.
He pisses me off that much. Fuck Silva. He's a walking mistake.
Mike, I got a few pints with your name on 'em...
03-07-2016, 01:00 PM
UFC 196 is one for the record books.
Holly Holm was choked out by Meisha Tate- Astounding! Congrats Meisha! That's gotta sting Ronda Rousey something Fierce...Ronda gets knocked out, and Meisha does what Ronda couldn't!- submit Holly! Wowza. I'm very happy for Meisha, NEW BANTAMWEIGHT CHAMP!!
And Conor McGregor lost to Nate Diaz- stunning.(To me at least) Conor should've had this one. Diaz is easy to beat in my opinion. You only have to study 2 fights and you should know how to attack that lanky pothead. LOL
03-30-2016, 07:35 PM
Mark Hunt knocked out snake Frank Mir in the first round at UFC fight night 85.
If you're reading this Mark, you got a case of beer coming your way...anyone in Mark's camp reading this, message me for the suds.
Memo to Frank Mir:
04-13-2016, 12:31 PM
Frank Mir may be suspended for 2 years for having steroids in his system after a drug test proved it.
That means he's done.
It's over Frank.
Nothing like going out on bottom, eh?
04-26-2016, 02:32 PM
UFC 197 was excellent. I went to a sports bar to see it on PPV, as I was super-stoked for the Jones/St.-Preux fight.
I predicted that Jones would be knocked out for the first time, but that didn't happen. I was sure that Jon had met his match (after Daniel Cormier, of course). The fight was great. Jones had ring rust, and after the fight Daniel Cormier said if Jones had fought him in the octagon in that condition he would've beat Jones easily. (Their rivalry is one of the hottest in UFC history). The fight went the full five rounds, and Jones admitted that Ovince threw him off, and that he was not particularly happy with his performance.
I can't wait for the re-match between these two. Fights like Jones/St-Preux are fights I wish for. Two fearsome dudes going at it hammer and tongs. You don't see Jones get punched in the face that often, but Ovince did it. Ovince also had his arm broken, and he still fought to the end! That is epic shit!. Dana White said Ovince's stock went up at UFC 197. It sure did. He can hold his head high. He held his own for 5 rounds against the "pound for pound best".
And what can I say about Mighty Mouse? Demetrious Johnson? He never fails to impress. He dominated that top wrestler- what's his name? Ceruja? Just overwhelmed him, swarmed him. Threw everything but the kitchen sink at him. Mighty Mouse's title defences are creeping up as high as Anderson Silva's.
The prelim fights were also great- UFC 197 is a DVD that will be worth buying. I'm a little annoyed that Ovince didn't KO Jones, because I think he may be the only man who could do it besides Daniel Cormier. But who cares? Jones had to go the distance and Ovince never backed down, even with a fuckin' broken arm. The UFC is the best sport in the world. You wanna see TRUE heart and skill in sports? UFC BABY...
05-17-2016, 07:39 AM
I watched UFC 198 in it's entirety on my birthday. I went out for some outstanding nosh and took in the event at a sports bar.
It's another UFC card that will be a great DVD to peruse.
We got ourselves a new Heavyweight Champion- Stipe Miocic KO'd Febricio Werdum! In the first round, in front of Werdum's home crowd in Brazil (that's gotta sting), and the entire fight card- prelims and all- was pretty great.
But as Awesome as the main event was, I was more impressed with the TKO of Vitor Belfort, who was sporting a wild hairdo I must say. WTF was up with that haircut? lol, I mean, he looked like a Mohawk warrior, a time-traveller! lol
But he got owned. He seemed to give up, actually, when he got that nasty cut over the bridge of his nose...the blood in his eyes must've been supremely distracting...Vitor is a Legend. Hats off to him, but I think he should either take time off to train real hard for a re-match to get the fire in his belly to take on someone as fearsome as Ronaldo Souza or he should just get out of the game. Mixed Martial Arts has a new generation of master fighters coming up, people who really studied and trained to be champions, and the Souza/Belfort fight is proof that a new breed is here. I was supremely impressed with Souza- dominating Belfort even while getting up-kicked!
And the women's fight was damn cool. CYBORG has arrived...
05-26-2016, 10:50 AM
I gotta comment on this September boxing match between Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather.
The first point is: Why is this even happening? Conor is a bit of a spoiled brat if you ask me, and he does have some fighting skill, but his super-fast "impressive" victory over Jose Aldo didn't move me an inch. The fight started and it was over in like, 3 seconds. Fans were robbed of a fight. Aldo got caught, but it wasn't anything spectacular. What made it seem so was all the fuckin' hype before the fight! Conor was the trash-talkin' dumpster from hell. And by the way, his trash-talking really irked me when he called out "Old Man" Henry Rollins for a superfight. Conor's rep took a nosedive when he did that. Henry would wipe the floor with Conor, and he would do it with HIS EXTREMELY TENACIOUS AND TACTICAL MIND, which Conor seriously lacks.
If you can't even promote your fights spoiled brat Conor, you aren't worthy to step into the octagon with Hank.
As Henry said in response to your lunacy: Conor wouldn't last a day in my world (Black Flag)
06-09-2016, 01:17 PM
I watched the highlights of UFC 199, another great UFC event. Michael Bisping made history by becoming the first ever Brit to win a UFC belt!!! CONGRATS MIKE!!! You did exactly what you said you were gonna do: :"Wipe the smug grin off" Luke Rockhold's face!
I never knew that Rockhold was a smug asshole, but I've since learned he is. He felt Bisping "had nothing" in a fight against him, he dismissed Bisping as a joke, never even gave him a second thought! Luke, buddy...NEVER underestimate your opponent in the UFC, especially when you've got a belt! What were you doing? At the start of the fight to touch gloves you were mouthing off to Bisping that he wasn't gonna win no way no how in this fight. So how do you explain getting KO'd? In the first round? And I learned from Mike himself that he offered to shake your hand after the fight and you muttered to him: "I already shook your hand! Fuck off!"
BITTER are we?
I see a re-match in the future...better not take Bisping lightly next time Luke...
And last night I saw a replay of UFC 187- the awesome fights between Chris Weidman/Vitor Belfort and Daniel Cormier/Anthony Johnson.
Great fucking fights, with Weidman ground 'n pounding Vitor into a TKO and Daniel Cormier making a fearsome dude cower in fear. It was a sheer delight to watch Daniel Cormier all over Anthony. After the second round, Johnson's corner was chastising him: "You knew it would be hard!! Can you go another three rounds????
06-14-2016, 02:39 PM
UFC 200 news:
I am not happy about Brock Lesnar fighting at UFC 200. I love Brock, but he should stay away from the UFC. he's taking on Mark Hunt in what can only be called a "seat sale". This is a publicity stunt, and the only reason it's being pulled is because Dana White wants to put more butts into seats, nothing more. And Brock will get knocked out. Bank on it. He's "juiced to the gills" according to Mark Hunt, and I would agree. brock is getting special doping rules waived for this fight (!?!?!) I'm a fan of Brock's, but the facts state he was RETIRED by Alistair Overeem. Unless he's taking on The Reem again, I see no purpose in Brock fighting. He's still in the WWE...this is weird...I think Brock is making a huge mistake and he's gonna pay for it.
And I simply can't wait for the Daniel Cormier/Jon Jones bout.
This is Daniel's moment.
Time to prove that the Light-Heavyweight title does not belong to an arrogant champion! (Jones is fearsome, but his ego is huge, he's arrogant to a T)
06-21-2016, 02:47 PM
Brock Lesnar has stated that he's not entering the octagon again for the fans. He's doing it for himself. He's told the world: "sorry, but this is about me. And why shouldn't it be about me?"
Brock! You sound like Frank Mir! Your stock has just gone way down, and now I'm hoping you get the living shit knocked out of you.
Just wait until Mark's fists start landing- you'll turn turtle faster than Mir did!! You will cower at those ham-hands rocketing toward your big blonde buzzcut melon.
UFC 200 will be a landmark event. I've already made plans to see it Live on PPV.
The city of Ottawa Canada held it's first UFC event ever this past saturday, but I did not attend. I pay attention to the card, and no one cared to put exciting fighters in the octagon in Ottawa. Donald Cerrone has a fine record, the most finishes of any UFC fighter, and he was probably the most fearsome dude on the card. He stopped Patrick Cote with strikes, with a TKO, and Cote has never been finished with just strikes. The main event had Rory MacDonald, but he flamed out, died a slow death.
The worst part of the event (told to me by a couple people I know) was no air conditioning. TD Place had no air conditioning apparently, and one young child suffered heat stroke while there! A 7-hour event (going until 1AM) and people were sweltering.
I guess they felt what Californians are feeling these days...
07-07-2016, 12:27 PM
Jon Jones is out of UFC 200 for a doping violation.
I structured my life around this event. (AT A COST!) I'm done with the UFC.
08-23-2016, 02:07 PM
Just a post-mortem on the UFC:
I am done with the organization, but I still have an askewed eye toward it. I've noticed that the company is being primed to sell, and when that happens, the sport will flounder. Dana White is a big part of why the UFC caught my attention. He was the right boss for such a venture. However, it's gone to his head and he spoke at the RNC in favor of Trump for Prez. Dana lost giant stock with that blunder. Not only that, the fights are not based on rankings anymore- it's only what the fans want. Case in point: this retarded "rivalry" between Nate Diaz and Conor McGregor. Conor was so arrogant and so showboaty that he thought he could move up in weight class and dominate Diaz. How awesome was it to see Conor tap out from a rear-naked choke??? It was pretty great to see that mouthy ginger leprechaun get taken down a notch. This re-match that happened over the weekend (UFC 202) was exciting, but Conor is dreaming if he thinks he decisively won that fight. Another round and he would've been tapping out again. As Nate said after the fight: "He's going to the hospital! I'm going out to party! I'm ready for fight #3!! Let's do it!" (paraphrase). Conor can't fight for 6 months now- doctors orders. The judges gave it to Conor because of those 2 knockdowns he got earlier in the fight. The fight ended with Nate on top, despite a loss.
Now Conor says Nate should drop down to 155 pounds, like he went up to fight him. RIGHT! It don't work that way, Conor! That's Blarney!
Nate has stood toe to toe with you and you realize now that Nate has more skill than you thought. And as Nate said: You were running from him during that fight! You were keeping your distance, weren't ya? Damn right you were.
The hype for Conor McGregor is gonzo now. He doesn't want a re-match with Jose Aldo either...Aldo is coming for REDEMPTION.
Heal up, Ginger. Let's see just how tough you really are...
04-16-2017, 06:18 PM
Just a final post about the UFC. Then you'll never hear me mention them again.
The President Dana White is a retard. I saw a video of his mother speaking about him. You know what she said? She said that he fucks all the ring girls. That his marriage is a fraud, a sham. This fat, knuckle-dragging Man-Whore fucks all the ring girls?
Folks, you got a pretty daughter? Don't let her near the UFC to be a ring girl....this Lex Luthor-looking potato head likes to stick his juiced willie in lots of ring charming. Such a I always knew there was something about him I despised. Now I know. He's basically a sexual predator. He probably thinks he's a real stud, helping the ladies out...LOL Running the show has it's perks, huh Dana? I really hate how he stiffs fighters on their pay too. Nice guy. Company
Fuck Off and Fuck You Dana. I'm done with the gong show UFC.
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