View Full Version : What pretty wrapping ...

12-27-2005, 04:05 PM
Written by Robin Swicord and Doug Wright
Directed by Rob Marshall

Director Rob Marshall has wrapped us a very special present with his follow-up to the Best Picture winning “Chicago”, “Memoirs of a Geisha”. He took all the time he needed to pick just the right box and a multiple-patterned wrapping in brilliant colours before meticulously covering the box and tying a flawless bow around it. It shines like nothing we’ve seen. It’s a shame that upon opening this gift, we see that he forgot to put any thought into what to put in it to begin with as tearing away this perfect packaging leads to nothing more than an empty box.

I have not read the highly successful novel this film is based on. And perhaps I am less in touch with my feminine side than I thought as I do not understand what all these Geishas are complaining about. Sure, the story begins with a young Japanese girl sold to another household and separated from her sister and only remaining family. She lives the life of a slave but is inevitably given the chance of any girls’ lifetime, to become a Geisha (this is not “Memoirs of a Housekeeper” after all). A geisha, in case you’re not entirely familiar, is a moving work of art, a Japanese hostess trained in the art of culture, dance and music. She is not a prostitute or at least this is what we are told. Understandably, I was puzzled when a bidding war begins over our heroine’s virginity in order for her to pay off her debt to the household she grew up in and become a true Geisha.

Ziyi Zhang plays Sayuri, the most sought after Geisha in all the land. She holds her own in what is her first English speaking role but ultimately does not say very much and pales in comparison to Michelle Yeoh, who plays her mentor and brings some much needed spunk, confidence and authority to this fragile, whiny weeper. Perhaps speaking English is the problem itself. Let alone that a large number of Chinese actresses play Japanese parts, this film would have been more effective if it was actually in Japanese. It makes no sense that these women would be speaking to each other in broken English all the time. The struggles to enunciate lead to emotions not being conveyed. The self-imposed communication barrier never allows the viewer to be taken in by this beautiful existence as the beauty comes across as contrived, designed for the North-American box office and not made for artistic purposes … Hope they’re not too disappointed come Oscar time when the only nominations they get are technical ones.

If you’re into art, then “Memoirs” will narrowly carry you along throughout a rich, colorful journey. As for me, I will let Mr. Marshall keep his pretty box to re-use next time on the condition he promises to put something of substance inside it.

oscar jubis
12-27-2005, 05:40 PM
I'm most definitely "into art" and there's a ton of Japanese and Chinese films I'd enjoy watching without sound and subs. Perhaps I'm wrong but the trailer for Geisha didn't have any scenes that impressed me for their esthetics. There's nothing in DP Dion Beebe's resume that suggests he's a good fit for this project. Same trailer indicated the film had potential as camp and not much else. Anyway, trailers are just that. The reasons I posted are: 1) I'm curious as to whether there's an explanation given for the geisha being blue-eyed, and 2) I'd like to suggest that threads include the movie title, for obvious reasons.

12-27-2005, 06:38 PM
Hi Oscar,

I would have to assume that you and I don't have the same aesthetic interests. I found the film as well as the trailer to be quite colorful and well composed. The fabrics, makeup, settings are all well utilized. As for the trailer's suggestion of fluff, I felt that this was an important literary translation as many have read and enjoyed the book, not including myself. Also, having loved "Chicago", I had some expectations. The only deterrent was the negative press.

There is much talk in the film about the heroine's eyes as a major theme is water and she has eyes like a river but no explanation was given for any blue makeup decisions.

As for the title of the thread, I edited it but it has properly posted. Hmmm...

12-29-2005, 12:04 PM
I commented on this eleswhere, but jeez what a snore fest. The acting was half way decent, and probably would have been a lot better if it were shot in any language besides English. Considering more than half the principle cast was Chinese perhaps that would have been a more fitting language to shoot in, certainly would have helped Gong Li's performance.