View Full Version : The Chronicles of Narnia

12-11-2005, 01:23 PM
*********WARNING: SPOILERS*************

The Chronicles of Narnia directed by Andrew Adamson (Shrek, Shrek 2)

“The Chronicles of Narnia” has every element you’d want in a successful holiday film: a principle cast of relative unknowns, a certain air of unpredictability in the script, and pacing that lends itself to an adventure story. Far more exciting than the humdrum Harry Potter fare that gets churned out year after year, “The Chronicles of Narnia” kept the audience on the edge of their seats throughout the picture, but ultimately knowing that because this was a “children’s film” there was bound to be a happy ending.

The characters are endearing, the performances well thought out and genuine, and the sets reminded me of old style Hollywood in the days of “My Fair Lady” and “Mary Poppins” where millions were spent to create large soundstages filled with great set pieces. Unfortunately, the only way to truly bring C.S. Lewis to life lent the filmmakers to use CGI. The lion is only half-believable most of the time and some of the other characters look as if they are stuck on top of a three dimensional background like animation.

The editing and level of acting by the children make up for lack of sophistication on the level of a WETA workshop or other more expensive special effects house. However, the British have given an alternative ticket for families to buy this season; a heroic film that has wonderful old-fashioned lessons about morality.

The film opens with the blitz over London during the height of the German attack. We are immediately immersed into a sense of tension placing the four principles in harm’s way. Sent off to Scotland, as were many children at the time, they arrive at the stately home of a professor, and instructed to behave as adults. Of course, they don’t. In exploring the old castle (presented as only the English can) the littlest discovers a large beautifully carved wardrobe. Upon entering, she is taken to the world of Narnia, and so begins the adventure. In addition to the children, Tilda Swinton (Thumbsucker) plays the cool distant icy Queen with such tremendous maliciousness, the crowd cheered on her demise.

This film is strictly a light-hearted affair. However, presented in a large widescreen format with gorgeous cinemaphotography, you can sit back, munch your delights and enjoy one with the kiddies for a change on a level you’ll appreciate as well.

12-11-2005, 08:26 PM
This is one of the best movies of the year for me (so far). The acting and the script are serious without the lightweight fare we're so often coddled with. The special effects were good for me personally and I had no problem with it - the seamlessness between actor and special effects made it seem practically real and the artificiality of it never became a problems. The epic, awesome, endearing music flowed throughout and the White Witch was the strongest character in the film (thanks perhaps to non-pussy footed producers and studio executives). For me, this movie is destined become a classic.

12-18-2005, 08:57 PM
oh no, please dont hate me for this ...

my recent review at foreignfilms.com

Director: Andrew Adamson
Cast: Georgie Henley, Skandar Keynes, William Moseley, Anna Popplewell, Tilda Swinton

The official website

My thoughts ...
* possible minor spoiler *
-- In fact, I only like the scene near the end when the lion sacrificed itself ... very sad ...
-- Also commendable are the technicalities of film making, and the costumes and set design ... thnks for bringing the mythical creatures to life ... (in fact, i have always enjoyed greek mythology ... any film makers out there?!)

What could be better ...
-- In terms of story telling, I just thought it did not grip (both my friend and i thought so) ... hmmm, was it the problem of the soundtrack? or editing? or director? Just as an example, the initial war scene (with planes and bombs) could be frightening, but it just did not come across so ... sigh ...
-- I know she is a great actress, but somehow, I did not think the witch was evil/frightening enough ... and she was such an important character ... Without fear, my friend and I was not worried for the characters or what happened next ...

-- oh no, most people are going to hate me for this ... i find the film watchable but i was not crazy over it ... I actually enjoy Harry Potter more ...

PS: Side story ... we initially wanted to watch King Kong (both tickets were available), but at the last moment, we decided to buy the tickets for Chronicles. HOWEVER, after watching it, we insist that we should buy King Kong and watched it on the SAME DAY! ha ha ha

oscar jubis
12-24-2005, 07:25 PM
Technological advances have made it possible to create good live action films out of fantasy novels. The first film of The Chronicles of Narnia, written by C. S. Lewis, is pure Christian allegory aimed at the whole family_with exciting yet bloodless battle scenes and clear demarcation between good and evil. This type of spectacle works best in theatres so, if you're interested, don't wait for the dvd. I found it a bit long but overall Narnia provides satisfying entertainment.

Chris Knipp
12-24-2005, 10:38 PM
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe: No disappointments here

C.S. Lewis encouraged his friend Tolkien with his imaginative writing, but the favor was not returned. As his elaborate system in Lord of the Rings shows, Tolkien obviously liked to create a world that was an internally closed system. He didn’t like the way Lewis worked in whatever familiar customs or myths seemed to come in handy. Narnia most notably incorporates central aspects of Christianity; it’s also a world where the children the stories are for enter the story, just as Lewis Carroll’s pet child Alice Liddell enters his fantasy world in Through the Looking-Glass – in Narnia’s case, obviously, through a wardrobe. Lewis’s and Carroll’s books also have in common talking animals, though the Narnia ones aren’t droll and crazy like the mathematician’s. But Narnia is a wonderful story for children, because it has children who are real, but who become heroes.

The first Narnia movie, directed by New Zealand visual effects and Shrek man Andrew Adamson, is perfect in its way. It’s almost too perfect: you may wish somebody or something would stand out more. Maybe Tilda Swinton stands out a bit. Unless you recognize Jim Broadbent behind all his whiskers and makeup, Swinton is the only known actor we actually see onscreen (Liam Neeson’s voice is all too recognizable but it’s attached to the Christlike lion, Aslan). Swinton blends in too, though. She’s so sure and discreet – and so familiar these days as a wicked sprite (cp. her role in Constantine), even her presence may seem routine. She’s even perfectly attired in changing outtits for each scene or season to help her blend in. But she deserves credit, as usual, for her integrity. She plays her role with absolute seriousness and poise. There’s no cuteness about it.

The children, Georgie Henley as Lucy, Skandar Keynes as Edmund, William Moseley as Peter, and Susan Prevensie as Anna Popplewell, a most carefully chosen quartet, are charming, distinctive, and very good actors. Somehow the boys seem to carry the action, while the girls carry the feeling.

The movie is like a big beautiful toy box. The children and the animals come out and do their things, the white witch has her great battle with the forces of Aslan, and then they go away and we feel cozy and satisfied like a child who’s been read to in bed and dozes off, dreaming of snow in a warm room.

Like the classic Conrad Aiken short story “Silent Snow, Secret Snow,” the winter world of Narnia may grow out of a child’s sense that snow is magical and unreal, beautiful but perilous. The snowy landscape of the film is enveloping and lovely, and it doesn’t matter if it’s real or not.

People may take Aslan, the lion of God, differently, but nobody in his right mind can avoid the fact that what happens to him makes him like Christ and his slaughter like the Crucifixion, and his rising back to life off a big slab of stone that cracks like the Resurrection. And the two girls mourning over his body are the two Marys. And young Peter, the King and leader of the army of the good, is St. Peter, the founder of Christ’s Church. C.S. Lewis was an adult convert whose enthusiasm for Christianity was so great he had to tell. But one can see Tolkien’s point. This is what stands out: the Christian symbolism walks away from the story and spoils it a little.

Or maybe seeing all these symbols in a movie simplified, reduced to music and visuals and the voice of Liam Neeson, no longer working solely through the supple language of C. S. Lewis, must rob them of much of their mystery and resonance. Once again the adaptation of a book into a film, while making it lovely and vivid for us, has diminished something that in words is accessible to all, more subtle and complex.

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe is a wonder, a delightful film, but it hasn’t the visual richness of Lord of the Rings, nor has the story the complexity of Tolkien’s elaborate mythology, or its immense variety, its real magic – though with the Harry Potter series running dry, it looks fresh. It’s bright and shiny, like a Christmas tree ornament. It’s a huge project nonetheless. But in this end-of-year moment of small movies with great success artistically – movies like Good Night, and Good luck; Capote; The Squid and the Whale – being a huge project doesn’t impress so much. Syriana falls short precisely because of its overambition.

It’s awesome, though, to watch the credits of Narnia roll. Like Kill Bill’s they go on so long the audience is long gone and the cleanup crew is well on its way to getting all the pop cups and corn bags and wrappers gathered up and the floor swept before the names have stopped scrolling. There are complete crews for Los Angeles, Czechoslovakia, Poland, New Zealand, Guatemala, and the San Francisco Bay Area, and special effects people for each location. I wonder what an Oxford don would have made of all that.

Tilda Swinton is the best androgynous sprite ever, but it’s time (another plug for the small project) for her to do more roles like the needy mother in Mike Mills’s Thumbsucker. She may have taken home a smaller paycheck, but she delivered way more humanity. As for the great battles in The Chronicles of Narnia, they fade quickly from the mind. Better than anything else are the tender early scenes between Mr. Tumnus, the fawn (James McAvoy), and young Lucy. Those who know the book much better than I do tend to say the first part of it is the best. The battle of good and evil may be too much to take in on first viewing, and may sink in when the other parts come out. This is not a great film, but it's impeccable. And the early scenes will stay in the mind a long time.

02-03-2006, 08:25 AM
Naturally, with a BO that large and corporations drooling over profits, the sequel has been announced. "Prince Caspian" will keep Andrew Adamson at the helm along with the original cast. The plot involves the four returning to Narnia a thousand years later to do battle with evil King Miraz (not yet cast). Christopher Markus is set to write the sequel. Possible release date Christmas 2008. Chronicals, nominated for several Oscars, has turned into the season's biggest BO hit and is approaching "Harry Potter" numbers.

Get this! On cable two nights ago, big discussion on MSNBC related to how out of step Academy is with viewers this year. Biggest complaint? That "Narnia" was NOT nominated for Best Pix. Commentators argued that films like Capote, Crash and Mountain were not 'main stream' films and would turn off viewers to Oscar telecast.

Ho, Hum.... But watch how "right wing" is trying to influence Hollywood recognition path through infiltration into Academy governance. Look how they've take over network news!

"The fault dear Brutus is not in the stars, but in ourselves."

Chris Knipp
02-03-2006, 12:08 PM
Naturally, with a BO that large and corporations drooling over profits, the sequel has been announced. Your wording is misleading here. C.S. Lewis's Narnia series consists of seven books, and the films were conceived as a series from the start, much like the Harry Potter movies. No doubt the financial success of the first one insures there will be no uncertainty or delay about the follow-through. In the versions (http://www.star-ecentral.com/movies/buzz/buzz.asp?file=archives/buzz/2006/2/2Adamsontod&date=2/2/2006) I've seen, 400 years have passed, not a thousand, and a Christmas 2007, not 2008, release is planned for the first "sequel" -- Prince Caspian will be based on the second book published (but fourth in the Narnia chronology) in the seven-book series.