View Full Version : Bush Fails Again
08-31-2005, 05:28 PM
Quite a while ago the city of New Orleans requested a lot of money from Bush to help prepare for a hurricane (which was always a possibility apparently) including money to repair levees that badly needed it.
Well, the levees have spoken and the death count is unknown.
Bush said the money had to go to the Iraq war and for Homeland Security measures.
How do you sleep at night George?
Boy I'm sure glad that money went to Iraq...
08-31-2005, 10:38 PM
It's impossible to say exactly what the result would have been had these funds been used for work on the levees. Maybe it would have made a difference. Right now I can't understand why the breaks in the levees can't be filled more quickly. And of course right now the most important concern is the continuing humanitarian crisis that is escalating. Please do whatever you can to help - at the least donate a few bucks to the Red Cross. There will be plenty of time to assess blame (and dodge it, in the case of the Bush Administration) in months and years to come.
09-01-2005, 03:36 PM
"Humanitarian Crisis" indeed.
Jesus, the reports coming out of New Orleans are devastating.
No food, no water (the irony is sick) no medical supplies, no housing- people are living like animals one report said.
People are dying on the street from everything from heart attacks to starvation.
This is a major deal here, this is no joke.
This is a terrible quagmire, in "the best country in the world".
Bush had better step up to the plate on this one big time.
He's been stating the obvious for 2 days.
Let's go, George- people's lives depend on it.
09-01-2005, 07:12 PM
What's going on in New Orleans, and the amount of devastation there, is incomprehensible. It's impossible that this could be happening in this country (or anywhere in the western world) today. And Bush is saying things like, "this will make us stronger in the end". Drop the fucking cliches, Mr. President. There are many, many people who won't be "stronger" because of this. This isn't some sort of test from God, it's isn't a "test of wills" of some sort. It's simply an extraordinarily difficult situation that we must respond to as best as possible.
Approx. 1/3 of the cars in my apartment complex parking lot right now have Louisiana plates. There are probably at least 100,000 people from LA in Houston right now. It's the closest big city that's fully functional at this point.
09-02-2005, 12:38 PM
Michael Moore has written a scathing open letter to George Bush, who doesn't seem to know what to do, like the day those two towers fell.
He's finally pulling his lips off of fundraisers' asses and making his way over to the devastation.
Make sure you bring food and water, Dumbya! Maybe you can hand out some of those cocktail weenies that are served on Air Force One. (You know the ones- the ones Laura pokes with toothpicks and serves with embroidered napkins)
This is only gonna get worse.
There is no God in this situation. There is only urgent help required. Anyone rationalizing this in the name of God needs to be smacked. If any deity holds responsibility it's Mother Nature.
God is mute on this one- and we are witnessing our "human response" in Dubya and his administration.
This is what you get for re-electing this waste of life of a President.
As everybody can see, the people who are living this nightmare are primarily black and poor. This could be the reason that relief and aid isn't arriving so quickly. They aren't "society's best"- let 'em suffer a while! It's good for the character! Makes you tuff!
I recoil in disgust.
This is the "best country in the world"?
If these relief efforts are any indication, that notion is as phony as Bush's reasons for war.
Chris Knipp
09-04-2005, 02:06 PM
This is a terrible time in America right now. All of a sudden, two Supreme Court posts -- including Chief Justice -- for Bush to fill with anti-Constitution reactionaries instead of just one -- and an unprecedented natural and urban disaster in the heart of our own country being botched -- it's too much.
Bush's criminally slow response to Katrina's devastation -- do people remember the schoolchildren and the story about the goat? -- should be enough to destroy the man. This is a scandal that's costing thousands of American lives and so all of s sudden this administration isn't just destroying other countries but now with the same methods it used in Iraq it's destroying America. In a saner world impeachment proceedings would rapidly be under way. Bush's days would be numbered. How many scandals can happen, how many thousands of lives can be lost, before the spin machine breaks down?
I'm feeling pretty down this morning.
And what a time to think of Labor Day.
The hurricane aftermath proves that this is not a smart country and not one that has either a memory or a vision of even the most immediate future, except where profits are concernned. That's where Americans at the top look ahead: at the dollar signs. That's why Wall Street blossomed after the devastation. Corporate profits ahead. Theme parks. Condos for the rich. And the poor and the people of color will be put into camps. It's getting really gross.
Sunday 4 September 2005
09-04-2005, 02:42 PM
Looking at what has happened since Katrina from outside the US has been unbelievable. If the way this disaster has been handled is the American way that we (the rest of the world) are being brain washed into believing is the best and only way for the future, then God help everyone!
If you don't get rid of Bush now, you never will, he's done more damage to the whole world in the name of "freedom" than any president before him, thousands have died both outside and inside the US yet this bumbling idiot still holds office, how?
Cheers Trev.
Chris Knipp
09-05-2005, 12:05 AM
One explanation is that our system doesn't allow us to get rid of our governments as quickly as the Europeans do, and that is both a fault and a virtue. The very eloquent parish representative from Louisiana on the Tim Russert show today* said the people at the top involved here should be taken out, now, at once, so things can get going. But that isn't going to happen either. Yet the lack of qualifications is staggering. The FEMA director's previous job was as the president of an Arabian horse organization, and the Homeland Security chief Michael Chernoff's selection -- he himself not even Bush's first choice, but the first choice got caught lying and had to withdraw -- seems clearly to be due to his willingness to prosecute foreign suspects energetically. For more information about this chap, who denied knowledge of anything wrong at the Convention Center when the situation was all over the news all day and who said this disaster was far beyond anything anyone had predicted when in fact many people, including a writer in the Scientific American two years ago, had definitely predicted it -- see the Wikipedia article ( on him. I am so angry right now I don't know what to do.
Russert began his questioning of Michael Chernoff by asking him if he was planning to resign. He swept it aside. It doesn't look like his magna cum laude from Harvard and his prosecutorial experience are going to help him retrieve black people from rooftops in New Orleans.
In his piece ( "Looting Here, Looting There," Iraq expert Juan Cole today (September 4) compares the different Bush administration responses to looting in Iraq post Shock and Awe and in New Orleans post Katrina. Iraqis are seeing the contrast too, he says. He also relates the New Orleans situaition to what happened in Falluja. This isn't far fetched at all. Administration officials were referring to looters in Louisiana as "insurgents."
*The words ( of Jefferson Parish President Aaron Broussard on Russert's show were the most powerful uttered about the post-Katrina situation today.
Nicholas Kristoff writes an insightful op-ed in the NY Times today inwhich he compares our culture with Japan's. In Japan there is great effort on the part of the gov to include everyone in the cultural fabric he says, while here (and now) our own gov is dismantling that same fabric. The us against them that is part and parcel of our foreign policy has been revealed in the past few days to be the policy here at "home"...sweet home. This isnt really news, but good god, is there nothing that can be done about this guy????.....
09-06-2005, 06:26 AM
Originally posted by pmw
is there nothing that can be done about this guy????.....
Term limits....only 38 months until we can elect a new president...maybe the Dems can at least retake the House and Senate next year.
The Bush team seemed convinced that private enterprise and the free market are the most effective means of solving problems in society (except for War). Maybe this is a wakeup call now, for them and for those who elected him.
Chris Knipp
09-06-2005, 11:38 AM
39 months is way too long to wait. But impeaching Bush is difficult with a Republican Congress. The reactionary ideology that some say is spreading is so against government and social services that some people in America actually think it's fine for poor blacks to rot in Louisiana after Katrina. As Juan Cole concluded in the piece I cited a couple of posts up, "Bush cares deeply about the property of rich white people." That's why the US allowed the antiquities museum of Baghdad to be plundered but sent in troops to shoot to kill in Louisiana -- the protection of property -- when it's the property of rich whilte people -- is the highest good. Except that it's even better, the neocons think, to tear things down and build them back up, because that's highly profitable. This was a major stategy in Iraq -- see the writings of Naomi Klein, especially her Harpers 2004 article ( "Baghdad Year Zero"-- except that the quagmire there has not permitted the bonanza to go forward according to the neocon fantasy.
09-06-2005, 12:17 PM
I've often wondered why the process of impeachment seems taboo, that the offending "Statesman" must be found 1000% gulity on something, that he must be in such a foul universe of criminality that there is no option.
Can anyone even look at the idea of impeachment for more than 2 seconds? Fault and virtue indeed Chris.
It's like the forever-long O.J. Simpson trial: they carp about "due process", "a fair trial/his day in court" and "investigation by the proper authorities" to reach justice.
Beaurocratic cabals, issues stifled, paperwork from Hell, confusion.
This is the norm in Washington.
It's a sideshow now. It's beyond Ringling Brothers.
They say that Americans should be prepared for gruesome images in the coming months. They say the death count could reach as high as 20,000.
I can understand the incomprehensiveness of the destruction but it only takes a second of your life to see that massive relief efforts are needed.
More deaths on Bush's hands.
More Americans dead because of this administrations' inability to see beyond record-breaking profits.
More reasons to have rage seeth through your body.
This hurricane and it's aftermath should have every single person
making mental notes to themselves about how the government will help you if your corner of the world is hit with oblivion.
It should be clear to everyone now that the government can't save you from Terrorists, can't save you from Mother Nature, can't save you from social security, can't save you from it's woefully sad imperialist stranglehold and indifference to your life.
Sorry, do I sound unpatriotic?
Am I an insurgent?
09-06-2005, 02:57 PM
The shock and awe of these words, which slithered out of that old sack of shit of a hag Barbara Bush, are so chilling I can't describe my disbelief.
"And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underpriviledged anyway, so this-- (she chuckles slightly) this is working very well for them"
Michael Moore has got an audio recording of her words on his website if you care to hear the evil...
09-06-2005, 04:30 PM
Sept. 24th is the big day.
An anti-war rally will be held outside the White House, with 100,000 people expected to attend.
We haven't seen a rally of this size at the gates of the Prez's digs in how long?
Bush's war is getting even more criticism, with the situation in New Orleans pressing people to ask why all of the National Guard troops are deployed in Iraq when there is desperate need for them at home.
Chris is right: Bush is taking his tried and true methods to the American people now.
Human life is not something he contemplates.
He has no capacity for empathy.
Cheney either. Or Condoleeza Rice, who was shopping for shoes while Americans were dying. (A customer in the store demanded to know what she was doing there, when New Orleans was in "it's first throes" of disaster).
Remember Condi?
She got the memo about Bin Laden attacking the U.S. with planes and then threw it into her rotating file ("rotating file" is office-speak for garbage can).
Where is Cheney? Shouldn't the V.P. be a little more visible?
Why are we seeing more of Clinton and Sean Penn than we are of the NUMBER 2 MAN?
Fucking crucify him.
Chain his ass to an overflowed toliet at the Superdome.
This is a sad police state of affairs, fellow FilmWurlders...
09-06-2005, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by Johann
The shock and awe of these words, which slithered out of that old sack of shit of a hag Barbara Bush, are so chilling I can't describe my disbelief.
"And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underpriviledged anyway, so this-- (she chuckles slightly) this is working very well for them"
Michael Moore has got an audio recording of her words on his website if you care to hear the evil...
You're right. There isn't much that shocks you nowadays but this is unbelievable. I'm disgusted.
oscar jubis
09-06-2005, 07:58 PM
I haven't been much of a contributor on these political threads, but let's give it a try. I hope no one feels insulted.
I don't see Bush as the problem.
He is only the symptom.
The problem is us, the people of the USA.
I came to this conclusion after the last election.
One could argue his party stole the election in 2000 (at least in my state) or that Gore's campaign "sucked", or the voters didn't know quite who they were voting for in 2000.
Let's face it. The People went to the polls last November, and voted Bush into office again knowing quite well what we were getting.
It's time to look at ourselves in the face and admit who we are as a nation, and ponder what can be done about it. I would bet that if the election is held again in a couple of months the same gentleman is likely to win again.
In response to Justafied stating "maybe the Dems can retake the House...", I'll say that at least the Dems embrace the country's diversity and would keep the country from further regression. But when it comes to issues like corporate welfare and campaign reform, for instance, the Dems are as blind and backward as the Republicans. And none of the top leaders of the party has demonstrated courage and conviction in denouncing the warmongering.
I'm forever condemned to voting for third party candidates who don't stand a chance because the rules are stacked against them. (Although I voted for the Democrat for the first time in 12 years in 2004, as an anti-Bush gesture).
Any thoughts by the more politically astute minds on this site would be appreciated.
09-06-2005, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by Chris Knipp
Except that it's even better, the neocons think, to tear things down and build them back up, because that's highly profitable.
Exactly. The economic machine keeps humming and the profits soar. Middle class America is appeased because their 401(k) accounts get bigger. No one gives a thought to cause and effect.
09-06-2005, 09:50 PM
Originally posted by Johann
I've often wondered why the process of impeachment seems taboo
Well, it certainly wasn't taboo when Clinton was impeached for a little white lie involving getting a blowjob in the Oval Office. That was an impeachable offense, but the massive lying/misinformation effort on Iraq wasn't? And how about Rove apparently getting away with outing the identity of the undercover CIA agent?
There's a double-standard in our society today, and anyone complaining of a "liberal" media doesn't know what the hell they're talking about.
09-06-2005, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by oscar jubis
The problem is us, the people of the USA.
I came to this conclusion after the last election.
I completely agree, Oscar. Of course, there were many of us who didn't vote for Bush, but it was unbelievable that he was reelected after all the fiascos of his first term.
I consider the Democrats to be the lesser (far lesser) of two evils, and it's a matter of stopping the hemorrhaging at this point. A Democrat controlled House and Senate in 2006 is the first step in restoring some semblence of normalcy.
By the way, Oscar, I was in your fair city of Miami this past weekend. The weather was a little dreary (we got a heavy downpour on a trip to Key Largo on Sunday) but it was still an enjoyable visit. I wanted to catch a flick there, 2046 was showing at a theater in South Beach and I thought my friend would enjoy it, but we couldn't fit it in. Which movies theaters in the area do you recommend? My friend lives in the north Miami area.
oscar jubis
09-06-2005, 11:23 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by JustaFied
it's a matter of stopping the hemorrhaging at this point. A Democrat controlled House and Senate in 2006 is the first step in restoring some semblence of normalcy.
You're right.
By the way, Oscar, I was in your fair city of Miami this past weekend. The weather was a little dreary (we got a heavy downpour on a trip to Key Largo on Sunday) but it was still an enjoyable visit.
I'm glad you still enjoyed your visit. The weather is glorious from mid-Nov to mid-May. Miami is habitable the rest of the year only because of the invention of air conditioning.
I wanted to catch a flick there, 2046 was showing at a theater in South Beach and I thought my friend would enjoy it, but we couldn't fit it in.
Sounds like you were busy. Maybe next time you visit you have time to have a beer or coffee with me. I'd like that very much.
Which movies theaters in the area do you recommend? My friend lives in the north Miami area.
*The Intracoastal, part of the independent chain Sunrise Cinemas, is the best in North Miami.
*From North Miami, it is a short drive to Cinema Paradiso (just south of downtown Fort Lauderdale), run by the Fort Lauderdale Film Society.
*The theatre on South Beach that you mentioned is the SoBe Regal, the best multiplex in Miami. An exceedingly beautiful building too.
*The Wolfsonian Museum in SoBe and Miami Art Central (also a museum) in Coral Gables have excellent year-long film series.
*The Miami Beach Cinematheque is expensive ($10), has poor projection, and specializes in "marginalia". But where else can one watch films like Todd Haynes' Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story.
*The best place to watch movies in Miami is the Cosford Cinema, located in the campus of the U of Miami. It's a 1/2 hour or so from North Miami but it's cheap($4-6), with great projection and sound, great programming, and free parking. A purist's paradise: no food or drink sold and none allowed.
09-07-2005, 06:47 AM
Originally posted by oscar jubis
[Sounds like you were busy. Maybe next time you visit you have time to have a beer or coffee with me. I'd like that very much.
Me too. It's a deal. I may be back later this fall.
So apparently Miami doesn't have any "art house" movie theaters, other than the Cosford? That's surprising. Houston's got a couple from the Landmark Theaters chain - each one has three theaters, and it's a nice change of pace from the multiplex. I've seen a few films recently, just haven't had time to post thoughts. I was somewhat disappointed in Jarmusch's Broken Flowers, though. When did he become so solemn?
Best of luck.
09-07-2005, 07:07 AM
Originally posted by JustaFied
So apparently Miami doesn't have any "art house" movie theaters, other than the Cosford?
OK, I guess the Cinematheque and Cinema Paradiso (among others) would qualify under this category. The Cinematheque in particular sounds interesting - I'll try to check it out next time I'm there. Also interested in seeing the South Beach theater, at least for the decor. Some of the neon in that area can be a little bit over the top, though...but I like all the art deco buildings.
Thanks for the info.
09-07-2005, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by JustaFied
Well, it certainly wasn't taboo when Clinton was impeached for a little white lie involving getting a blowjob in the Oval Office. That was an impeachable offense, but the massive lying/misinformation effort on Iraq wasn't? And how about Rove apparently getting away with outing the identity of the undercover CIA agent?[/B]
This is on my mind too JustaFied.
Why is Bush so feared by the media and the public?
Did all his war-mongering and 1984 scare-tactics and terror threats turn everyone into scaredy-cats? Into weak cowering ninnies?
As I said before, the American people should storm the gates.
The "Enemy at the Gate" is gleefully controlling your future, your treasury, your laws, it's a fucking POLICE STATE in the U.S.
But Clinton was pardoned, wasn't he?
He was forgiven for his crime, just like Nixon.
Can you believe that Gerald Ford let Nixon off the hook?
Nixon was run out of office, a bonafide crook, and old Gerald pardoned him!
It's an old boys club, an "old rich man's" leadership.
But when Bush senior was sworn in in the late 80's, even the horrific Nixon said "He's a lightweight. He's the kind of guy you appoint to something".
Bush may be the symptom, but he's taken advantage of the people by playing on their emotions, mis-leading and dis-info-ing
to the point of heartbreak.
It's so frustrating that it almost makes one want to drop out of society and become a vigilante. Live in the hills, honing your sniper skills....Polishing the brass on the jacketed round that will pierce through Bush's soft skull...
OOPS! sorry! Did I say that out loud? I Apologize.
I'm such an INFIDEL!
09-07-2005, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by Johann
It's so frustrating that it almost makes one want to drop out of society and become a vigilante. Live in the hills, honing your sniper skills....Polishing the brass on the jacketed round that will pierce through Bush's soft skull...
OOPS! sorry! Did I say that out loud? I Apologize.
I'm such an INFIDEL!
Hey, wait a minute, you don't even live here do you? What are you getting so worked up about? It's not your fault America is the way it is. Just enjoy your freedoms in Canada, and hope they don't come extradite you for improper thoughts. 1984, maybe...
Don't go Travis Bickle on us, J...
09-07-2005, 02:04 PM
I won't go Travis Bickle on anybody.
Trust me I'm not leaving Canada anytime soon.
How can a Canadian who shouldn't give two shits get so worked up?
I could just say "Fuck 'em. Not my problem- the Yanks deserve to die. Let 'em rot. They elected the psycho".
Dunno. It's just the beast in me, as Elvis said.
09-15-2005, 02:37 PM
Halliburton. At it again..
oscar jubis
09-15-2005, 05:37 PM
These motherfuckers are "proud to serve the government in this time of crisis" by prying gold fillings from the corpses of the poor to make luxury yachting watches!
Sure sign of a society in a state of decay. Don't say later that you didn't see it coming.
09-15-2005, 06:05 PM
You can't be serious?
Cheers Trev.
09-15-2005, 06:12 PM
It's The Onion, oscar.
Calm down. Have some dip.
oscar jubis
09-15-2005, 06:23 PM
I could turn into Travis Bickle any minute now!
Drivers of Yukons and Hummers with "W" bumperstickers be forwarned.
Then again, given the lack of ganja, I'm gonna pour some merlot and chill.
09-15-2005, 07:11 PM
Re: Oscar, "I'm gonna pour some merlot and chill. "
No, if anyone orders Merlot, I'm leaving. I am NOT drinking any f@*king Merlot!
Cheers Trev.
09-15-2005, 11:23 PM
I guess I have to wade through the dirty water as well.
Any of us travelers can tell you New Orleans is a fascinating place. Take the St. Charles trolley through the garden district that ends up in Audubon park across from Tulane University. Every house is a work of art. The gardens, the shrubs, the flowers, everything so meticulously done. Ancient trees with hanging moss, tropical birds, and heavy moisture in the air give rise to natural beauty most of the year. That's why its call the Garden District.
As I watched with horror on Tuesday morning, the fly-overs of the city, I kept saying to myself; "It can't be... It can't be!" I sat in my room and wept. My son came in to console me. "What is it, dad?" he asked. "Oh, nothing," I told him, not wanting him upset. "Just the dying of dream." But when he left the room, I cried all the more, not because I'd lost a city, but for those poor people standing there in that muddy water with no hope and no help. I felt helpless, too. All I could do was watch and pray for them.
As the days passed and the misery mounted, my anger turned to fury. Where were the buses? Where were the relief supplies? Where was the guard? Surely they'll be there tomorrow! But they never came. Only when the nation rose up with one voice in righteous indignation did that sonofabitch finally act. Having helped set up field hospitals in less than an hour during combat, I know what could have been done. There were military bases less than three hours away in four different directions. They could have choppered aid in immediately on a Presidential order. Of course, that order was never given. He was too stupid to turn on the television and see the plain truth. His system had failed. He failed the American people when they needed him the most.
Yes I blame that sonofabitch in the White House for all those deaths and suffering. And I hope the nation never forgets or forgives him, too. May it be his undoing, and his curse.
09-16-2005, 06:32 AM
Yes I blame that sonofabitch in the White House for all those deaths and suffering. And I hope the nation never forgets or forgives him, too. May it be his undoing, and his curse.
I thought that would have been the case after his war crimes in the Middle East, but no both he and Blair were re-elected.
Now he's proved what a bag of shite he is to his own people, the rest of the world already knew it.
Cheers Trev.
09-16-2005, 04:44 PM
Trevor! What do you got against Merlot?
Speak now, beer-boy!
(I bellow with the best intentions..)
09-16-2005, 05:26 PM
I hear you Cinemabon.
Where were the food drops?
Where were the choppers or Herc's dropping cases of water?
Where was the President? He was eating cake with fundraisers.
Where was Cheney? He was Fishing in Wyoming. FISHING, guys.
Where was Condi Rice? She was shopping for shoes.
Where was Rumsfeld? Who the fuck knows? He was probably making another surprise visit to his wife's vagina.
Dubya is standing before us now, on TV, "taking responsibility" for the government's inaction.
How exactly are you taking responsibility, George?
By Saying you do?
You've lied a little too much for me to take you seriously, Mr. False-President.
You're a sitting duck now for the great American rage, that dangerous rage that pops up every now and then in history, that alters the course of the country's destiny.
But the people are slowly realizing how difficult it is to get rid of this cancer that festers in it's White House of Power.
This man's "axis of evil" has tentacles all over the place- places we don't know, places we've never been or seen.
watch Trier's Dogville people: Do You Remember Your President NIXON?
Have you cranked Bowie's "Young Americans" to a gazillion?
Do you give a flying fuck that your country is dying?
Do you care that your leader is killing it (and you)?
What does it take indeed, for that mighty spin machine that Chris so eloquently put it BREAKS DOWN?
Speak, or the world will have it's suspicions confirmed:
America LIKES it's image and it's wars and it's treatment of the poor and the Spears' babies and it's IDOLizing and it's Hillary Duff bullshit and it's relentless pursuit of materialistic junk.
Face it: Rome is toppling. FAST. Faster than you think.
By you electing Bush you've speeded up your total destruction by 50 fuckin' years.
09-17-2005, 01:06 PM
Did you guys know that if you google the word Failure
the first entry is for George W. Bush?- the fucking WHITE HOUSE?
09-22-2005, 04:15 PM
Donahue laid the boots to Bill O'Reilly in this awesome exchange where you get to see just what kind man "Billy" is.
Fuck your "factor" Bill.
You represent the narrow-minded majority of Americans who still think the invasion of Iraq was somehow right.
Man, I wouldn't have had as much patience as Phil.
I would've been fuckin' swingin' at that LOUD, obnoxious, freedom freeloader.
Fists and skull. Rage and Retribution.
The sewage that O'Reilly spews is dangerous and he must be muzzled. He flails in this exchange, and it's because he's talking to a more intelligent man- a man who spent a good portion of his life bringing important issues to the table.
Read it. Please.
09-23-2005, 01:07 PM
Well, O'Liely has banned Phil Donahue from his show.
I wonder why?
The REICH-WING still doesn't get it.
O'Reilly (nicknamed DILDO by his friends) actually said
Iraq may have been a tactical mistake in that exchange.
He suggests that the war may have been a mistake but he still wants to "win". He still backs Bush and thinks sending more troops to die is paramount.
What a fucking LOSER!
Jesus Christ Almighty, is this what it's come to?
The supporters of Bush and the war are flailing like fucking turkeys. They stammer and yell and puff out their chests and squawk like their lives depend on it.
I re-read the old Fahrenheit 9/11 threads and I was struck with anduril's profound stupidity again. I thanked him in those threads at the time for placing his comments for posterity and I thank him again- that is some sweet readin'.
He doesn't hang out here anymore, thank God.
Pure pollution- the christian kind, the dangerous kind, the fear-based evil of perspective that gives no thought to the world at large or small- it's all about THEM.
It's not about Jesus. (Certainly in Bush's case- as Righteous Mike Moore said: Didn't Jesus say we'd be judged by how we treat the least among us?- If George was staring down the Saviour the Saviour would be exuding a vibe so concentratedly foul that George would be uncontrollably weeping in about -.oo2 seconds).
But the destruction continues, with the Nazi's doing whatever they want (which it turns out, is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING).
They fish, they shop. They vacation on ranches. They recline in giant plush leather chairs smoking beautiful Cohibas by the Texas moonlight. They sing songs of freedom, like Bob Marley did, because that's all they ever have, you know.
You're doing a fine job, Brownie!
You're Not, George.
You let your own people die under your watch.
First in New York.
Second in New Orleans.
What's the next city to be hit with calamity that will receive your tender loving care? Your "tangible to all warmth and compassion"?
It's all over baby Bush.
You suck HARD, and so do all the ditto-heads who parrot your lies and Police State manifestos.
You've choked the life out of democracy and freedom.
If your own MOTHER thinks she's still of the elite class and can say that the poor are happy in a stadium living in cots with giant florescent lights which never go off, then I wonder just what your thoughts are.
Danny Glover says you hate blacks. I have no reason to believe otherwise. What the fuck have you done to prove that you love them?
I'll tell what you've done to prove it's true (cuz you might have forgotten):
-you scratched 170,000 (look the number up- I'm not making this up) black names off the Florida ballot in 2000.
It's an undeniable fact dittoheads- Database Technologies were paid 4 MILLION to do it.
- you failed to help the poor blacks who had no money or transportation to get out of N.O.
Thus you aided and abetted looting, murder (you can use "death" if you want- the REICH WING hates it when you use too strong a term) and of course starvation and massive stress- the likes of which those residents had never seen.
I'm stating the obvious here. This is truth.
We on the street don't need conspiracy theories or unsupported facts and allegations to say what we've been saying all along.
The Busheviks provide us with all of the evidence we need.
This retarded adminstration has got 39 more months to ignore, lie, and destroy.
We are all watching and seeing the slow death of America.
Ever read "The Destruction of the European Jews"?
Bush is writing "The Destruction of the American People (An 8-Year Journey)"
10-07-2005, 04:31 PM
I'm surprised nobody has jumped on the statement that Bush is supposed to have said that God told him to invade Afghanistan and Iraq!
Bush's God given message. (
Remember, the majority of the US re-elected him!
Cheers Trev.
10-08-2005, 02:17 PM
You don't believe the Bush's, like the Kennedy's, can't buy an election? Do you really believe all the votes were counted? They lost 10,000 votes in our county alone last year. You don't think they didn't lose votes in other counties, in other states? He barely had 51% of the vote. That's hardly an overwhelming majority.
10-08-2005, 03:55 PM
So much for freedom and democracy!
We heard all about the rigging and discounting of large numbers of votes in the previous election but not so much this time. I didn't say an overwhelming majority, a difference of one could give a majority.
Still I'm sure all the bible belters and warmongers are more than happy to hear about his personal messages from "The Almighty" after all it justifies their stupidity.
Cheers Trev. :p
10-13-2005, 01:01 PM
Was sippin' some espresso this mornin' when I surfed The Onion.
Found some real hope from the hilarious Onion writers.
And finally some news that might be true:
2% (That's right: TWO PERCENT) of African-Americans approve of bush in the United States.
That's a rather LOW percentage, wouldn't you say?
Katrina's response has driven Bush's reputation into the thick New Orleans mud.
I want him on his knees before the American people, weeping like that Clown of Christianity Jimmy Swaggart did when he "sinned" with the hooker.
You've sinned worse than any biblebot who beeps "REPENT!"
Satan doesn't live in the White House.
He lives on a ranch in Crawford Texas.
10-13-2005, 01:56 PM
And does anybody else notice that Laura Bush looks like The Joker from Batman?
She looks like her face will break whenever she smiles.
Her eyes have that "I'm in over my head but I delude myself into believing I'm somebody" look.
Like Doctorow said, if you STUDY him (Bush) you will see into his hollow soul. You can look deep into his eyes and actually see the corruption bubbling behind.
Everytime I see his smug face I wanna smash something.
But as rage-inducing his visage is, Cheney's is even more enraging.
He's got the same psychopathic temperament as John Wayne Gacy or Jeffrey Dahmer.
An unsettling aura exudes from the bald tub-of-shit VP.
He's one of those "New Unhappy Lords" that G.K. Chesterton wrote about, one of those rich, vapid soulless animals that do not live life for anybody. Only themselves.
He was a CEO before he was vice-President.
Nobody takes this into account?
Nobody is shining a huge spotlight on this fact?
Now I'm no Einstein, but I do know that you can't run a campaign for President of the United States unless you've got money coming out your ass.
Face it- you do not enter politics (in the U.S.) unless you can mount a massively expensive campaign to market yourself to the peeps.
You might have access to some funds or have enough in your coffers.
He's the most fortunate son to ever become President.
Hey anduril- if you're reading this I want you to know that I now know why you liked to crank up CCR's "Fortunate Son"- it wasn't because the song kicks ass, it was because it reflects your belief in Bush. You missed the point of that song.
"I ain't no Senator's Son"- you know what that MEANS?!
It means that a man won't go to war if he's "priviledged", and Bush is the textbook definition of "priviledged". Eat that you posturing, phony goof. You take the word "hypocritical" and give it mythic status. You're a walking contradiction Isaiah, and I take great comfort in knowing that you struggle with your faith.
Bush has been shitting money and silver spoons since he said his first word (oil).
Put Bush and Cheney's "skills" together and you got your government, your war and your poverty.
Why don't these guys ever point out the gaps between the rich and the poor?
Because they are architects of it: it's just business.
Well if your government has taken the position of "it's just business", then I suggest you take a position of your own.
I envision myself standing over the bulky corpse of Dickhead Cheney, bending over and slowly removing his glasses from his fat face.
I stand back up, crumple them in my hand and throw them as far as I can.
Then just like Bunny in Platoon I take the butt of my still warm rifle and start some fast head smashing until you can't recognize this sloth of a cadaver.
Steam is still rising from his bullet wounds...
Bush is still alive, crawling on the ground about 20 feet away, shouting for Laura to bring him some orange juice and freedom fries.
But Laura was dispatched in the east Wing, with a crossbow arrow. She shrieked like a gay man finding out that they cancelled "Queer Eye".
I knelt down beside her, her eyes had a petrified look.
I pulled out my Rambo knife and held the blade directly above her heart. I gently lowered it until it was piercing her flower-print blouse, then her breastbone.
She's gasping, trying to yell, but I say "shhhhh..." just like that German in Saving Private Ryan.
I say "It'll all be over soon- run to the light Laura, but God will only allow you to do so in order make sure you say Hi to Casey Sheehan and the 2000 other soldiers your husband sent to die, among others (Katrina, 9/11, innocent death row inmates, you know, the usual)- as soon as you do, you'll be hopping into this mineshaft car to Hell. Scott Peterson and O.J. will be your escorts. Come on, O.J. smile- Laura likes you because you're a black WHO KILLED 2 WHITES- you're in her good books! Let's be friends".
Just like Jackie-Boy in Sin City:
Outta nowhere!
For no reason at all!
I'd make Dog Day Afternoon look like a bake sale.
"The FBI, CIA and combined miltary forces of 6 surrounding bases could not contain the wrath of a lone vigilante known simply as "Juliet".
77 dead government employees, the only surviving member of the Bush administration (Donald Rumsfeld) stumbled out of the White House gates with duct-tape around his head and a big black sign which read:
Mission Accomplished.
10-14-2005, 12:49 PM
Like Anne Coulter, anduril doesn't like Bush's choice for the Supreme Court.
This shit is amazing.
Is it even remotely possible that even anduril and Anne Coulter can't drink the Kool-Aid anymore?
Are Republicans getting restless because Bush is delivering the same contempt to them as he does to everybody else?
Are you assholes finally clueing in on what Bush is all about?
Have you finally realized that you are complete morons for siding with this puppet failure of a human being?
Or will you just continue to be arrogant cunts, spewing and repeating Bush's lies?
The final shit-rain is upon us, and we're all paying for it.
Coulter is indignant about Bush's lying.
Can you believe this shit?
Since when did you get angry with Bush, Anne?
Since when did you wake up?
Since when did the bad karma that surrounded your empty skull
start giving you a painful headache?
Reactionary witch.
She's a reactionary witch, Pat Robertson is a Christian bitch.
Bill O'Reilly is a cancerous toad that should be brought behind the barn and the army of Bush supporters should be shipped to Dumb Camps, in and around Crawford Texas (there's great ranchlands down there apparently).
"The Dumb Camps" have Britney Spears and Ashlee Simpson records spinning 24 hours a day as well as long-winded lectures by "the Archbishop of My God is Better Than Your God" (which includes complimentary Jesus Juice and bitchin' wafers), and don't forget the seminars on cultivating ignorance. (The one with Tucker Carlson and Jerry Falwell is a must-hear)
The only "sides" in this debate are "do you have a conscience" or "don't you".
You can't write off disasters like Katrina with "oh well".
If there were thousands and thousands of WHITES stranded there do you think that they would've waited a fucking week to get help?
No way Michaelangelo.
This President is a racist war criminal, a liar, a capitalist bigot and a former alcoholic cokehead.
And he has power.
Over you and I.
Power that YOU gave him.
Why isn't America taking it back?
This is a test for all Americans now.
Is this your country?
Fuck Bush.
Throw him out- he's yours.
You elected him, you throw him out.
Then you won't mind me ranting and raving for the next 38 months....
I'm Canadian, and I'm saying what i'm saying because I actually care more about the U.S. than my own country.
Does that sound strange?
I have my reasons.
Maybe we can chat about it over alcool and a spliff someday.
In the meantime, I retire.
10-31-2005, 05:43 PM
I don't have another confirmation for this but it looks like MM is ready with his next (
11-07-2005, 01:58 PM
This "time' in history is so very strange.
How do you explain this social and political climate?
How do you rationalize "society"?
Hunter Thompson gave a new name to the United States:
And bubba, you better believe it's true.
I know it's all a state of mind for the most part but I'm sick and tired of being affected with "world events", with the "winds of change", with the concentrated B.S. that clogs our TV's, radios, computers, schools and newspapers.
Is there no place for a man or woman to toil away in their garden, whatever that garden may be?
Why is there so much strife, so much angst and FEAR?
Anybody got an answer?
The only thing I can come up with is that it's absolutely true that we have a built-in self-destruct system, ready to blow, no matter how prosperous or "good" our lives are.
Even if you still think this foul uncertain smog which hangs over our beautiful planet is due to TERRORISM and that the world began on September 11th, you gotta admit that this world is not a friendly place.
Never has been.
Kindness and peace and goodwill are the REAL dangers lurking in the shadows. Those are traps, illusions.
Come on, I mean look what happened to John Lennon.
A mastercraftsman songwriter.
One of the greatest musical talents to ever stroll the earth.
A poet. I can call John Lennon a poet.
A poet of the people.
And the man who took this legend from us sits in Attica, where he's been for almost 100 SEASONS. 24 years, fed very well and kept toasty warm by the United States Prison System, reading the fine volumes that rest on the tall prison library shelves, all on your taxpaying nickel, while great photogs like Mr. Benson take stark black and white art photos of Mr. Chapman smiling like the collossal jerk doofus he will eternally be.
He's kept in jail to protect us.
He's a gunman who's a little kookoo, they say.
He could kill again...
Why is he treated so well?
I have a theory.
Chapman is an American- from Hawaii apparently.
Lennon was a pain in Nixon's ass for a long time.
Nixon tried to have John deported back to England.
If you're an American, you apparently have the keys to the kingdom. Subconciously Americans have got it in their marrow that they are somehow superior to the rest of humanity.
That's the driving force of the U.S.A.
That supremely misguided idea that they are NUMBER 1 in EVERYTHING.
That's how Abu-Grahaib can happen.
That shit was textbook "American Mentality with an Army-twist"
HA HA, subhuman Iraqis! WE OWN YOU.
That's how John Lennon can be murdered near the stroke of midnight while his killer gets to relax in a well-monitored setting for the rest of his life.
I wonder why he's not on death row.
Is he?
Shouldn't that death-date have come and gone?
Yes it did: December 10th 1980.
In less than 24 hrs the authorities knew who they had and what he'd done.
Hell, minutes after the shooting, when a police cruiser arrived, Chapman was excitedly shrieking for the police not to "hurt him".
It's so tragically sad that John was gunned down by a man so monumentally cowardly.
Don't extend any graces to anybody- the person standing next to you is probably a terrorist.
Where should my moral compass be?
There is great hope, though:
If Michael Moore has got the celluloid that I think he does,
we might actually see Dubya impeached and thrown out on his ear like he should have been 5 years ago.
Bring The Pain Mike.
We're all ready to see this administration crumble.
Destroy it with the truth buddy.
Unload again.
You're stronger than when you made Fahrenheit.
What doesn't kill you...
Do it brother. I know you will.
Kill them with Selluloid.
The film is mightier than the pen.
The wrath, indeed...
11-10-2005, 02:04 PM
This thread could turn out to be longer than oscar's "Longest Thread".
Let's see what's in the news today.
anduril and steveseitz (Mutt and Jeff are my pet names for them)
would give me a sound verbal thrashing for getting my news from, but guess what?
He really reports the truth.
He ain't spinnin' nothin'. Not a fuckin' thing.
There's no reason to make shit up or distort- the truth is far more outrageous than anything he could make up or twist into
"the best propaganda since Riefenstahl"
Good one Steve: you must think you're the sharpest knife in the drawer, the keenest cat since Kafka.
I must politely, quietly rail against your views.
Tony Blair just got smacked by his own government for wanting to detain terror suspects for three months without laying a charge.
The peeps said fuck you: 28 days is the max, and like it said on Moore's website: "the terror suspects had no immediate comment".
Too much power. Too much control.
And the ones who have this power should be nowhere near government. They are not worthy to be chairmen of leadership.
They are psychos.
Not all may I add- I'd hate to blanket everybody :)
There are some supremely intelligent and compassionate people in government, but we never see or hear from them.
They are pushed aside by the ruthless, the bullies.
Cindy Sheehan has another new entry in her "THIS TIME IN AMERICAN HISTORY" book:
I love the old post anduril vomited from the Lounge "politicks" thread that said that I sounded like Osama.
You know what?
Osama is like Tim McVeigh (a guy who Gore Vidal wrote about):
He hates the United States government but he took matters into his own hands, killing scores of innocent people.
That ain't right. That don't wash.
You die for that, bitch.
And mcVeigh was put to death for it like he should have been.
But he and Osama have/had very valid points!
The points that anduril posted by Osama are bang-on.
Don't believe me? Fucking read it! Examine what he said there!
As Oliver Stone said: The Arabs have a point!
I love this shit.
I love this "war" we got now.
It gives me so much cause and resolve, so much concentrated cynicism and hellfire of mindset.
I feel like God sometimes.
And sometimes I feel like the most powerless person on earth.
But you know what?
At least I know the score.
11-10-2005, 03:05 PM
Oh yeah, and the score is
2,110 dead soldiers
Countless injured or maimed
A debt that is in the billions (and grows every second)
A President who doesn't give a shit but says he does
A Vice-President whose SOUL is in it's last throes
Untold numbers of Iraqis dead (they are human beings- forget about "us" and "them" for 2 fucking seconds..)
And the complete, utter erosion of "the American Way", whatever it was...
No freedom. You're free, but not really free...
America is a punchline now.
The damage seems irreparable.
What kind of a person calling themselves a "patriot" would agree to surrender all of their rights?
Rights that were hard won by men and women who served in
I'll be standing at Victory Square tommorrow and remembering the real warriors and freedom fighters.
Sam Mendes is a great filmmaker, but I have to say that Jarhead has stripped all respect I had for him.
Why did you make this Sam?
Is this as topical as you can be?
If you had set it in today's Iraq with your sights aimed directly at Rumsfeld and Cheney, with soldiers not knowing what the fuck they're doing, you might have made a compelling movie.
There are elements in your film that resonate with me cinematically, but you've failed, Mr. M.
Your damn right you can't compete with Full Metal Jacket.
Kubrick wipes the floor with your semper fi failure of a movie.
Buy Matthew Modine's new book: Full Metal Jacket Diary.
It's made of metal, limited edition of 20,000 and it's the best book on the film ever to see print.
I saw it on the shelf at Chapters and nearly wet my Levis.
Hearing The Grand Master's M.O. on the set is what I live for.
True film buffs miss you a lot, Stanley.
11-17-2005, 01:14 PM
Ho Ho
Michael Moore has a brilliant section on the main page of his website today which highlights 237 misleading things said by
jorge, Dickhead, Donny, Colin and Condi, the 5 merry pranksters of political FAILURE.
It's from "Iraq on the Record", and it's a damn good read.
Anyone supporting the war now is a sorry-ass bitch.
Bush and Cheney pout about "cutting and running", but the truth is (as Donahue said) we're cutting and running ANYWAY.
The States cut and ran from Vietnam out of sheer embarassment.
This war is far beyond mere embarassment.
It's horrifyingly shameful.
11-17-2005, 01:24 PM
And please check out this VERY interesting bit of Bush-Bashing
(actually they're just asking some key questions...)
If you were wondering about that big bulge on George's back during the first Kerry debate...
Chris Knipp
11-17-2005, 04:24 PM
According to Amy Goodman on Democracy Now Bush's approval rating is 35% now. Of course we have the headline that Congress is saying, set a deadline for getting out of Iraq. He's finally in real trouble. But it's taken too long. Too many people have died.
11-17-2005, 05:42 PM
In the UK it's like a repeat of the First World War, the latest news from Blair, the British troops may be pulled out of Iraq by Christmas (next year) if the Iraqi's can play like good little girls and boys.
Still it'll give em a rest before we free Iran (from their oil supplies).
Unfortunately Iraq stays in peoples memories about as long as the AIDS issue, unless it's front page news, it don't mean shit.
Cheers Trev.
Chris Knipp
11-17-2005, 08:21 PM
I don't know if that is quite true in America right now about Iraq. I think it's more in people's minds than ever. Maybe the movie Jarhead will make people think more about it, Bush I's war.
11-18-2005, 12:30 PM
Check out Mike's site today:
The White House released a statement about the man who called down Cheney and invoked the power of Michael Moore.
Mike responded.
Absolutely genius.
Michael Moore has no fear.
You sad, pathetic Reich-Wing puppets.
The Kingdom is gonna fall hard, and it will be more beautiful than a sunset with your lover and a pipe full of kif.
Kill Whitey.
The Bush Years are coming to a sharp halt.
11-18-2005, 01:25 PM
Cindy Sheehan's new letter to Barbara Bush is devastating.
This is what that SACK 'O SHIT said on Good Morning America on March 18, 2003:
Why should we hear about body bags and deaths?
So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?
This is your president's MOM, America.
11-19-2005, 05:28 PM
T-Shirts for stocking stuffers, anyone?
Chris Knipp
11-19-2005, 05:49 PM
I like the "blind faith in bad leadership is not patriotism" one. AT the time of Gulf War I, I made my own T-shirt for the Fourth of July: "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel." Samuel Johnson said that. Actually that comes from Boswell, no context given, from his Life of Johnson, dated 1775, but Ambrose Bierce wrote, “In Dr. Johnson’s famous dictionary patriotism is defined as the last resort of a scoundrel. With all due respect to an enlightened but inferior lexicographer, I beg to submit that it is the first.” I'm afraid that when I see "Support Our Troops" "ribbons" on the backs of cars on the freeway, I want to ram them! What they mean is, Support the Invasion and Occupation of Iraq. Unless they have relatives who died over there they have no right to display such stuff, and in that case they should be out supporting Cindy Sheehan, not sticking magnets on their cars.
11-19-2005, 05:51 PM
Amen to that.
The second page has a couple good ones, like
Wake me in 2008
(if there's anyone left alive)
Chris Knipp
11-19-2005, 05:59 PM
Johann, you recently wrote:
Sam Mendes is a great filmmaker, but I have to say that Jarhead has stripped all respect I had for him.
Why did you make this Sam?
Is this as topical as you can be?
If you had set it in today's Iraq with your sights aimed directly at Rumsfeld and Cheney, with soldiers not knowing what the fuck they're doing, you might have made a compelling movie.
There are elements in your film that resonate with me cinematically, but you've failed, Mr. M.
I agree that the Kubrick-derivative parts are pretty poor stuff, but I believe that the last part of the movie has something unique and fresh to say to us. Please take a look at my thread on the movie and say what you have to say there, okay? I put some thought into that and I'd like some feedback.
I don't think it's very often possible to make a fictional statement on film about the political events of the past three years that is going to have any artistic merit. You've got to have a little perspective and that's why it makes sense to make a movie about Gulf War I. As I say, though, David O. Russell's is a better and smarter movie. But it doesn't say what Mendes's does about that kind of warfare. Bellocchio just recently made a terrific movie about the Aldo Moro kidnapping, from the Seventies. Why? It was too close and too sensitive for Italians to make a dramatic movie from inside the events, from inside the kidnappers' apartment, till the past few years.
Here's my thread on Jarhead. The last part is the most important part, if you're in a hurry:
11-19-2005, 06:16 PM
The last part of your Jarhead review is greatness, Chris.
Thoreau is a guy who is looking more and more appealing to me.
As Hunter said: The only freedom people seek today is freedom from DUMBNESS.
With regards to Jarhead, I do wanna discuss it in more depth, but I am rushed for time at the moment.
Millions of dollars thrown on a Gulf War I film?
Millions more will be thrown on an Iraq war film.
Time ticks away..people are still dead.
Jarhead comes off as blatant.
But give me tonight to mull over the movie memories..
Chris Knipp
11-19-2005, 06:29 PM
Thanks a lot for looking. I like that last part myself. Hope you'll have time to put in some of your priceless comments on "my" Jarhead thread later when you've got some moments....
11-25-2005, 12:16 PM
Some words of inspiration, written over 136 years ago, can be directly applied to the Kingdom of Fear and it's king, the Goofy Child Cokehead, jorge Dumbya Bushevik of Teksas.
(It's from "The Blacksmith" by Arthur Rimbaud, the Master Bohemian Child-God poet, the King Thief of Motherfucking Fire)
the Poor, the ones whose backs are burned
By the angry sun, the ones who do your work,
Take off your hats, all you rich people!
These are Men!
We are workers, King! WORKERS!
We're the ones
Made for the time to come, the New Day dawning,
Evil destroyed, Forever!
The Unknown may be terrible:
Still we will know it!
then onward, Brothers, ONWARD!
We sometimes dream a moving dream
Of living simply, fervently, without a word
of Evil spoken
No one, ever, could make us bend a knee!
the crowd
In that man's presence FELT THEIR SOULS CATCH FIRE
11-27-2005, 05:49 PM
Saw this poster and had to provide a link.
(It's been on the net for a while apparently)
11-28-2005, 08:51 PM
I gotta get something off my chest.
Gotta clear my throat.
(and cock my machine gun)
This little post is borne of sheer anger. Rage. Indignation.
At Bush, his Oil War and ANDURIL.
Before anyone accuses me of pickin' fights, let me say that I'm way ahead of you. I anticipate just about every response I could get. I know exactly what I'm doing 95% of the time (the other 5% is unplanned or unaccounted for in my mental stocktaking).
That said, while I would love to have anduril visit us again and cast his "pearls" before us swine, I know what he'll say and how he'll say it. He's got his own way of distorting facts and "standing behind them".
He provides tons and tons of "facts", with big, beefy State-Approved hyperbole.
But he got himself into a war he can't finish.
He absolutely cannot retract what he said here only a little over a year ago:
I will defend to the teeth the decision made by the Americans, the British and many other Coalition governments to liberate Iraq. It was the right decision to make then and it remains the right decision today
Glad you think that way Paco.
Because now, in late November 2005, you look like the biggest jackass ever for writing those wrong, wrong, wrong words.
I know exactly what he'll say here, if he had balls to reply:
I will defend to the teeth...
He got so invested in his comments back then that he seemed to etch them in stone: I. Will. Defend. to. the. TEETH.
He can't backpedal now, even after the complete and total exposure of Dubya & his admin as an evil pack of LIARS and THIEVES and WAR CRIMINALS.
Can't change gears. I don't forget what you said anduril.
I don't forget that you were so domineering in those fahrenheit threads. I WILL NEVER FORGET.
But YOU will. Hell, You do.
You don't like to dwell on things when you're wrong.
And who can blame you?
Who likes to be wrong?
But being as stubborn as Bush, "diggin' your heels in", that ain't the way to go, partner.
Own up to your failings (and Bush's).
Be a fucking MAN for once in your life!
But that will never happen.
It's not in you.
Well, you and Bushie can hug each other in heaven, right next to the Lord.
anduril's war commentary has dropped sharply in the last year.
His website hasn't had anything about Iraq on it since Nov.2, with a fluffy little link to a yankee tart named Kiwi's site that gives a piss-poorly written "analogy" for the reasons for the war.
Why aren't you bangin' that war drum anymore, soldier boy?
Why aren't you still cranking out ProBush propaganda?
Oh, sorry. You are in school.
Oh, sorry. You are raising a child.
Oh, sorry. You have many many many many many many commitments that prevent you from updating.
You are performing your "higher calling".
Excuse after excuse is what I can expect from ANDY.
It's RUNDOWN TIME, Mr. Biblebot.
It's time you came clean about why you back Bush.
It's time you gave me the real reason for why you sided with this fucking war criminal.
I know you're not stupid.
I know you are very intelligent.
So ante up, doofus.
You CAN'T be this dumb or this blind or this much in denial.
Let's see if I'll just be hearing the sounds of silence like the ones I hear from Bush:
Ah, that's what I thought: You're a stubborn prick with no balls. GOD HELP YOU.
Is this like shooting fish in a barrel or what?
Hindsight is 20/20, isn't it Ken?
11-29-2005, 12:43 PM
Another thing that annoys the hell outta me is Bush and company saying that the opponents of the war are harming troop morale.
Uh, hello...
Generals and officers are the ones who are supposed to keep the troops' spirits up, reminding them of the mission, inpiring them to "stay the course, forget about those hippie losers who say the war is evil", and keeping all "that negative shit" out of their minds.
Indeed, this is a fucking Army phrase:
Are troops logging on to Mike each night after a hard day of killin'?
Are they watching CNN every night and gettin' depressed?
If they are, I'm wondering how.
Shouldn't you be on the fuckin' front lines?
Or if you're "in the rear with the gear", then why the fuck are you watching TV or surfin' the net?
I don't give a flying fuck about troop morale, and I can say it because I WAS a fucking Infantry soldier for 5 fucking years!
AND, I'm sick of Bush and co. spinnin' the yarn that leaving Iraq would put America at even more risk of TERRORIST ACTS.
North America has never been at more of risk of terrorism than NOW.
Shit, I'm fuckin' waiting for Nukes to drop any fuckin' time.
I'm waiting for the weapons man.
I'm just watching the wheels, as Johnny Lennon said, watching & waiting for the bombs to start rainin'.
We're sitting ducks for mass destruction.
Canada AND the U.S. Mexico too, what the hell let's include them too.
Bush is responsible for all of this shit.
Man, the year 2000 seems so long ago, when life seemed pretty damn good.
In the blink of an eye Bush has brought us so close to fucking
ARMAGEDDON that it's beyond merely baffling.
He's pissed away freedom, democracy, SECURITY- that's gone out the fucking window, folks. No way to deny it.
We'll never be safe. NEVER.
It's over. It really is.
I would love to not be typing these words, but the truth is so PIERCING and UNFLINCHING.
You can't deny it anymore.
These are the dark ages, and it's all because of corporate greed.
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