View Full Version : Team America: WORLD POLICE

07-18-2005, 01:46 PM
Surprisingly, no one has commented on this Parker/Stone opus.

My good buddy Brent introduced me to the DVD. (I have no idea why I didn't go to a theatre- it falls right in line with my views on the U.S. government's foreign policy).

Brent was singing the theme song one day and I was laughing my head off. "America! FUCK YEAH! We're comin' ta save the muthafuckin' world!"

We went to his pad ("The Passion Pit") cranked up Pink Floyd's The Wall, smoked gigantor blunts and drank Ice Beer until we became talking heads.

Sir Brent throws on the DVD (the uncut version- accept no substitutes) and we laugh like we're gonna die.

The puppets (marionettes) were off-putting at first. (I have a hard time suspending belief for The Thunderbirds- that might be why I avoided the movie at theatres).
But sweet Satan, what a riot of a movie.

I loved the South Park movie, and I loved Orgazmo, so I was familiar with the M.O. of Matt & Trey, but I wasn't prepared for the extreme hilarity of "World Police".

These guys offend everybody!:
Bush, Cheney, Kim Jong Il, Michael Moore, Sean Penn, Susan Sarandon, EVERYONE.

I won't describe the scenes in great detail because if you haven't seen it then I would be denying you the huge fun that I discovered. But some scenes must be mentioned.

- "This is my serious face. SUCK MY DICK" (beat)
Holy dogshit were Brent and I howling over that scene...

-"You had me at dicks fuck assholes"- a female puppet says this line, and if you don't laugh, then you may be dead.

-The country music sequence. It slams that Texas/Nashville/Patriotic Toby Kieth new-country-music crap with a sledgehammer. AMEN GUYS! divine hilarity....

- the opening theme song sequence.
America! FUCK YEAH! We're comin' ta save the muthafuckin' world....

Check it out peeps- you'll laugh your head off.

07-18-2005, 03:20 PM
You're also forgetting that this has the funniest sex scene in movie history.

I also thought the film was hilarious "Matt Damon". Anyways I digress, as far as first time laughs the South Park movie literally made me fear for my life, because I was laughing so hard. This one was good, basically just South Park with puppets and no Stan, Kyle, Kenny, or Cartman.

07-19-2005, 12:27 PM
I didn't forget it. I didn't want to mention it.

It has to be seen to be believed.