View Full Version : The Jacket (2005)

07-14-2005, 01:17 AM
*Apologize, but I couldn't locate any earlier thread on this movie using search or in archives*

This odd Adien Brody movie vehicle that combines both thriller/mystery/science fiction comes off a bit disappointing even though the storyline is interesting and compelling. The acting and the dialogue are off-putting. When the characters talk to each other they don't seem to be saying anything natural or meaningful. This is one movie and there aren't a lot of them that when the characters talk, I really felt that their lines were based on actual speech that I would expect others to say. There was a lot of vagueness, especially in Brody's lines, a lot of actual detail of content conveniently left out as if he was hiding so much information that would really be valuable for the other characters to know and I couldn't find any reason why his character would be so unforthcoming.

Compared to 12 Monkey's, this movie while interesting really didn't have the power, the continous compelling active flow. The pacing was slow and the thriller genre aspect became more of an art film unfolding while the science fiction component was mostly an artifice for help the movie twist as a mystery film but it really missed the target audience for sci fi fans. In short The Jacket is a movie that tries too hard to pull in different genres with awkward results.

I'm still waiting for Sounds of Thunder later this year.

07-14-2005, 01:28 AM
Nope, there was no thread for The Jacket. I saw it recently and didn't think that it merited one so I posted about it in the "Last Film Seen" thread. We have very similar opinions on the film. Here's my post (http://www.filmwurld.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=11472#post11472).