View Full Version : Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (2005)

05-26-2005, 07:25 PM
Hmmm ...
I am surprised no one has posted a review ...
Anyway, I have watched it about 2 weeks ago ... kind of busy to write reviews ... * guilty *

I will do so in these few days ...

Meanwhile, the official website is here ...

05-27-2005, 09:58 PM
Looking forward to your remarks, hengcs. I had a free-pass for a screening last night, but I passed. A mistake perhaps, because I ended up watching Kung Fu Hustle which I didn't like very much (I've posted my comments).

06-14-2011, 04:31 PM
I watched this film on DVD 3 times in a row yesterday.
It was absolutely astounding, this story of ENRON, the biggest corporate bankruptcy in World History.

The reason I watched it three times in a row is to just get my head around this scandal.
Because I happen to believe that Canada's Prime Minister is not all that different from Kenneth Lay, the insane freak-a-zoid CEO-Zilla who perpetuated the biggest fraud possibly ever.

How can I say that Stephen Harper is just like Ken Lay?
Well now, let's see.
1. Ken Lay had a Phd. in Economics. Harper has a Masters. They could've been classmates for fucksakes!
2. Ken Lay wanted to de-regulate everything so that he could make shitloads of money. So does Harper.
3. Ken Lay is in the oil and gas business. Guess who else is? That's correct! Stephen Harper!

So those red flags should be flying at lightspeed up that flagpole for us Canadians.
It means we should have an extra extra EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA close eye on Stephen Harper, his Regime, and what his minions get up to.
Because these oil business people are the scum of the earth in my view.
Just watch Alex Gibney's scathing and mind-blowing doc on ENRON: The Smartest Guys in the Room.
That's the one trait of these cheap, greedy and soulless cocksuckers: they are ruthless, and think they are the smartest cats in the room.
They'll fuck you, your dog, your dogs' puppies, your Mom's cats..all of them in the name of profits.
My head nearly spun off my shoulders watching this film.
George W. Bush's NUMBER ONE (1) campaign contributer in the 2000 election was ENRON.
Enron bought Dubya the White House, with some help from the Supreme Court.
You'd think this film was documenting shit that was happening on Mars, that's how sci-fi & freakish this scandal is.
The scale of the fraud is incalculable.
20,000 people lose their jobs, their 401K portfolios,their life's savings, all the while ENRON top brass and Executives sell all of their stocks in the company before the whole shithouse went up in flames. They prohibited stockholders from selling but the top men, the CEO? the COO? they could!
This is some truly mind-blowing white-collar crime, and it has me thinking that Stephen Harper is up to the exact same game: using a government to get what you want from it and fuck everybody else.
The demeanor of every player in the ENRON scandal is the exact same as Harper's: shark-like non-expression of emotions, firm handshakes and firm words when at podiums, gargantuan over-confidence......
Tactical "ideas" bandied about...
bad haircuts and personalities...
Contempt for rules...
All things that CEO's and stock traders embody.

My radar is working. Workin' SUPERNOVA.

Watch this movie. You NEED to, Buster.

06-15-2011, 01:47 PM
One of the major players in this gigantic scandal, Andrew Fastow, is scheduled to be released from prison on December 17th of this year.
I'm sure all of the peeps who got scorched and burned to the ground by this fucker are real happy about that.

Ken Lay conveniently had a heart attack and died before he could face justice.
Baxter blew his head off in his car.
And Jeff Skilling (the most culpable in this whole clusterfuck) well, he's scheduled to be released when he's 74. I heard he's in a minimum security halfway house. I guess he's too cowardly to take his own life over this?
How does it feel knowing you're a slimeball who will die in jail? I'm curious.

The clips of George W. Bush and his evil turd dad thanking Enron for "helping George get elected" were astounding.
Where did Gibney find that footage?
Friends and Family are indeed the most important thing on this planet, huh Bushies?
Heckuva job, Bushies!
Heckuva job fleecing and fooling silly Americans!

The vintage footage of Enron in operation was unreal. That's the kind of digging up of dirt that we need, the kind that Mike Moore excels at.
You need to decapitate these fucks at the kneecaps.
You need to hit 'em with a heavy tire iron.
They don't understand anything else.


For about 99% of the population, that's true. Most people are oblivious unconscious clowns who only care about money and what it can get them.
Imagine a world without money.
What would people do??

They'd have to engage honestly with other humans. But they probably wouldn't anyway, they'd probably resort to killing to survive, so bankrupt are their souls.

mano E mano doesn't exist anymore.
It's corporations vs. everybody else.
The earth is proof of what will happen if we found another planet and tried to "civilize" it.
We'd create a currency that can be manipulated by anybody with no ethics, and exploit and pollute every resource that planet had.
Even DUNE has natural resource exploitation in it!
You know we'd fuck up pristine planets! Look what we did to the earth in only 100 years!