View Full Version : Winter Solstice (2005)

04-12-2005, 06:40 PM
This movie is a directorial debut by Josh Sternfeld, relating the daily life and relationship between a father and his two sons (and if you insist, the new female neighbor too).


Okay ... I have heard some (or many) critics praising this movie, and maybe some on this board will too (I am not sure) ... but in my very humble opinion, I guess the masses will not like it as much ... hmmm ... are we going to have another debate about how critics like to be a class above the masses?
ha ha ha

Me? well ... frankly, I find it just an "okay" movie ... no offense to the director or those who really craze over the movie.

I do credit the movie for ...
-- Lots of subtlety ... as the entire movie is driven predominantly by silence, nuances of speech, and simple gestures ...
-- Lots of realism ... you will really believe it is happening around us ... in a way, you cannot tell the difference between reality and movie, if any ...

BUT, what may some (or most) people complain about ...
-- The pace is really slow, with no "interesting" plots nor events that will make you sit up or want to know what will happen next ... well, just because it is slow does not imply that the audience will be pensive and thoughtful ... as my friends once lamented, you do NOT have to make the audience feel bored with mundane events of daily life just to convey the message of boredom ...
(hmmm ... isn't this a challenge for most directors: to make a movie interesting, and yet convince the audience that the protagonists are totally bored ...)
-- I am perfectly okay with the "NO ENDING" as life usually goes on ... but I guess some people will be unhappy that the movie ends kind of abruptly ... To some extent, it does ...

Hmmm ... I would like to hear what the people on this board think ...