View Full Version : The Pope has passed away ...
04-02-2005, 07:15 PM
The Pope has passed away ...
04-03-2005, 09:15 PM
Yes, it's sad, though I'm not Catholic and really not religious at all. The idea of a Pope is a bit outdated in my opinion, and he could stand to be a little bit less conservative in his policies, but I guess this man did do a lot to encourage democracy in Eastern Europe, and he was by all accounts a good man. So RIP.
04-04-2005, 10:09 AM
Ding dong the Pope is dead.
Do I care? The Pope? Nope.
I can't think of any "position" more anachonistic, more obsolete or more banal.
What purpose does the Pope have?
Smile and wave, fly all over the world, shake hands and kiss heads all the while pushing THE CHURCH's impotent doctrines on the world. In a ridiculous PopeMoblie.
These kinds of religious leaders should be extinct.
04-05-2005, 08:07 PM
Hey, he opposed the war in Iraq, and he told it to Bush to his face, so he can't be that bad, can he?
But, what I probably dislike the most about Catholic Church policies (as espoused by the Pope) is the rigid stance against birth control and abortion. It would go a long way towards leveling the dire poverty in third world countries if the Church would relax or dissolve these policies.
04-06-2005, 09:27 AM
He wasn't a "bad man", look at the millions of pilgrims filing into Rome. He was loved by a lot of people. He fit "the role" of Pope better than anyone else, and he was as "kind" as Mother Theresa. An idiot can see that. I just think his position was obsolete. God's Right-Hand Man? Please.
On Conan O'Brien last night he said the new Pope is rumoured to be black and the Popemobile has been sent to "Pimp My Ride".
Nostradamus predicted the next Pope would be black...
04-06-2005, 10:27 AM
Speaking of Bush, what happened?
Letterman said last night he's all relaxed because of body massages he gets. Clinton was impeached for that stuff...
No terrorist speeches no more?
No pulpit fist-pumping tv appearances?
He's gettin' soft!
Don't let him- he cannot get soft on terror now!
The terrorist killers are waiting to strike!
DO NOT GET SOFT GEORGE- they will strike when they sense weakness!
Now is not the time to go back to relaxing on your ranch after Moore lit a fire under your ass.
Even I want the Bush of yore back: "We are in the grip of a National Security Emergency that will last for the rest of our lives"
C'mon Dubya! Keep reminding us of our place! I want terrorist threat color warnings on my desk every damn day.
He's dropping the ball. Again.
04-07-2005, 12:24 AM
Bush has turned over much of the dirty work now to his cronies in Congress. He's gotta get his strength back. They're waging war on domestic issues now. Did you see the headline / story in The Onion a couple of weeks ago? "Bush Declares Pre-emptive War Against Social Security". Hilarious. A new pack of lies they've gotta throw out to get what they want done. The end always justifies the means...
But whatta you care, really? You're in Canada. You think we're going to invade you next? Is the Patriot Act in effect up there yet?
04-07-2005, 08:48 AM
Yes, the Patriot Act is in effect up here. They can search our medical records.
And they just announced that as of Dec. 2006 I will need a passport to go to the U.S. because of "security issues".
Thanks to 9/11.
Canada hasn't decided if they will ask Americans to show a passport at the border in return.
And it's a big rumour up here that Bush is appointing a guy to be ambassador to Canada who has no interest in Canada/U.S. relations- proof that Bush does not give a shit at all about Canada.
I'll try to find his name- he's a balding goof who raised tons of money for Bush in the last election. This appointment is a "reward" for his loyalty. Just like Condi's position...
04-07-2005, 02:10 PM
Yes, I read that about the passport requirement. Mexico too. I think they're requiring a U.S. passport for all travel out also. I'm going to Canada (Nova Scotia) in June; I don't need a passport do I? Don't mean to turn this into a travel Q&A...sorry.
04-08-2005, 08:19 AM
No passport needed yet...
Have an Alexander Kieth's beer when you get there- it's THE PRIDE OF NOVA SCOTIA
04-08-2005, 08:58 AM
Here's some bang-on comments by a Rep. (R-Tex) Ron Paul:
Praise for the election in Iraq has silenced many critics of the war yet the election was held under martial law implemented by a foreign power, mirroring conditions we rightfully condemned as a farce when carried out under the old Soviet system and more recently in Lebanon. Why is it that what is good for the goose isn't always good for the gander?
Though the Iraqi election has come and gone, there is still no government in place, and the next election- supposedly the real one- is not likely to take place on time.
Do the American people have any idea who really won the dubious election at all?
Oil was approximately $27.00 a barrel before the war.
Now it's more than twice that.
A large segment of the Christian community and it's leadership think nothing of rationalizing war in the name of a religion that prides itself on the teachings of the Prince of Peace, who instructed us that "blessed are the peacemakers"- not the warmongers.
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