View Full Version : Warsaw (aka Warszawa) (2003) (Poland)

03-09-2005, 04:36 PM
This movie has recently garnered a lot of awards at the 28th Gdynia Polish Film Festival:
-- Best Film
-- Best Director: Dariusz Gajewski
-- Best Supporting Actress: Dominika Ostalowska
-- Best Screenplay: Dariusz Gajewski, Mateusz Bednarkiewicz,
-- Best Editing: Jaroslaw Barzan

In my humble opinion
-- You either like the movie or you do not like the movie.

As the movie is about 8 strangers who are from different places who have come into the city, there are a number of subplots. Some people may see common themes, while some may think it is not coherent ...

On a higher level, the movie is really about DREAMS and REALITY, about SEARCHING and DISCOVERY, about LOST and FOUND, about the PAST and the PRESENT, about the OLD and the YOUNG ...

At the end,
-- a lot of "endings" (i.e., the fate of the characters) are still unknown ... so like life ... ha ha ha ... basically, life goes on ...
-- maybe you know a lot about Warsaw, maybe you still do not know anything about Warsaw ...

sigh ... the screening was met with 5 minutes or so "technical problems" -- so the audience and I literally missed part of the plot/story for that 2 characters, and it was quite an important scene.

oscar jubis
03-09-2005, 06:17 PM
Was it screened as part of a Festival? If so, tell us about it. Are technical problems common at such screenings?

03-16-2005, 10:01 PM
Hmm ...

Technical faults are not necessarily common in Film Festivals.
I guess I was just very unlucky ...

I watched
(i) Warsaw -- it had "missing" 5 minutes or more ...
(ii) Mysterium Occupation -- the movie (in German and Russian) had NO subtitles. Apparently, the wrong copy was sent to US. Many audience walked out half way, I watched till the end.

Anyway, I wrote a polite email to the organizers informing them. I was sad that they did not reply or apologize (even though I did NOT even ask for a refund or anything ...). I think it is only polite to reply.

Also, something less important, but unfair. They did NOT issue me with parking coupons although they gave others. I think it was selection bias.

Nonetheless, I credit them for bringing in SVOI!!!