View Full Version : Re-Order the Forum?!
11-19-2004, 09:43 PM
I am not sure, but I would just like to share my 1 cent worth as a new poster. All discussion are amicable.
(1) Although I like the idea of having a "In theaters now", I realize there are not many new postings or activities there. And it actually takes about half a page to scroll down. Also, dependent on the countries and states you are from, it may not be universal. Afterall, internet users are quite global.
-- How about collapsing all those movies "In theaters now" into 1 folder?
(2) How about re-arranging and placing "General Film Forum: General Films" right at the top, since it has the most amount of activities and posts?
(3) Should we have two or three different folders (maybe) for
-- Foreign Films
-- Independent Films
-- Mainstream Hollywood films
Good ideas. We could indeed collapse the In Theaters Now films into one folder. My only hesitation is that I'd like that section to be a laundry list of sorts for people who are interested in seeing what's out now that they might go and see. Of course, there is the problem of geography and film release dates etc... hmmm
We could certainly have more folders for the various film families in the near future but I dont think we'd want to fragment the discussion to the point that some people would only see the mainstream movie posts and others, the art films and so on.
What do you think?
And thanks alot for your ideas. I really want to tweak this site to maximum usefulness.
11-20-2004, 09:11 AM
Hi Peter,
thanks for replying.
How about the following?
(1) The "In theaters Now" is simply replaced as 6 jpgs (i.e., the movie posters of the movies) on the front page, maybe with a link to their trailers too! Any discussion is still being done in the General Film Forum.
(2) The Forum will have these categories:
About Films:
- General Discussion
- Best/Worst List
- Classic Films
- DVD Releases
- Filmmakers
- Lounge
- Suggestions
Optional -- Instead of 1 forum as "General Discussion", we have "Mainstream Hollywood" and "Foreign/Independent Films".
(3) What could appear on the front page?
- The Forum links.
- News (e.g., the New York FF, the AFI FF, Golden Globe, Oscar, etc).
- Optional - Links to Trailer.
(4) For "Film Archives", since you have sorted FIRST by year, how about a SECOND sort alphabetically, to facilitate easy search.
11-20-2004, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by pmw
I dont think we'd want to fragment the discussion to the point that some people would only see the mainstream movie posts and others, the art films and so on.
I certainly agree with this........we all need to grow together.
11-21-2004, 01:08 AM
I really like the idea by hengcs of having "two or three different folders (maybe) for-- Foreign Films-- Independent Films-- Mainstream Hollywood films." As a mainstream movie guy, I don't know 90% of what the rest of the foreign film and 75% of the independent film people are talking about. I feel like a some sort of nerd on this board. How ironic.
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