View Full Version : Do NOT miss this hidden treasure

oscar jubis
08-29-2004, 02:12 AM
BLIND SHAFT is one of the best films of 2004. The debut of writer/director/editor/producer Li Yan won the Silver Bear at Berlin 2003 and awards at ten other film festivals worldwide. It had a miniscule theatrical run in the US this year (one screen each in NY, LA and Frisco). I'm pissed I didn't get to watch this powder keg of a movie on a big screen, with an audience. These 90 minutes pack a wallop. It was apparently banned in China because of the social expose hiding behind the taut thriller, I'll cede the floor to Hoberman, who nails this one. Rent it, ok??


08-29-2004, 07:43 AM
Wow, that is an insane plot line. Thanks for the link and the recomendation. I remember hearing about this earlier in the year but didn't get a chance to see it. One has to wonder which mine boss, among these apparent monsters, allowed him to film on premises. Perhaps a little money was involved...

Sounds great.


08-29-2004, 12:48 PM
Thanks for the recommendation Oscar. I've orded this on netflix. The rapid "modernization" of China is one of the most intriguing things going on in the world today.

08-29-2004, 09:56 PM
Now I'm kicking myself...

Not only was this movie shown here at UCSB (where I work) last Wednesday, but I could have gotten two free tickets to see it. I was walking out of work and a coworker asked if I was interested. At the time, it was the end of the long day and I just decided to go home. I wish I would have seen your recommendation earlier! DOH!

I'll hafta try and catch it on DVD.

oscar jubis
08-29-2004, 11:26 PM
Great response! Please post you reactions after watching it. Debunk my belief that there's something wrong in America when distributors give a negligible release to such an appealing pic. I mean, Blind Shaft would please folks who simply want a suspenseful crime movie; and it'd satisfy those who want a visit to the most populous nation that is not sanctioned by the Party. Those who hunger for drama and impeccable performances get their kicks too. I could be wrong. And perhaps I'm naive when I say the film would be a hit with the proper marketing strategy and a moderate investment. Your turn.

Howard Schumann
08-30-2004, 06:39 PM
Originally posted by oscar jubis
Great response! Please post you reactions after watching it. Debunk my belief that there's something wrong in America when distributors give a negligible release to such an appealing pic. I mean, Blind Shaft would please folks who simply want a suspenseful crime movie; and it'd satisfy those who want a visit to the most populous nation that is not sanctioned by the Party. Those who hunger for drama and impeccable performances get their kicks too. I could be wrong. And perhaps I'm naive when I say the film would be a hit with the proper marketing strategy and a moderate investment. Your turn. I would be very interested in seeing this one but it is unavailable here in Canada. Can you or someone else send me a dub? I'm willing to pay big bucks (well -- within reason).

oscar jubis
08-30-2004, 07:08 PM
Buy the region 1 dvd for about US$20.
Buy the hong Kong all-region dvd for $10 on ebay
Rent it from netflix
I can have somebody transfer my disc onto vhs tape for $10 and mail it to you (shipping rates vary).
e-mail me if you want.

09-01-2004, 08:00 PM
Wow, that's a powerful film. Really tough and heartbreaking in showing the Darwinian effects of unfettered capitalism. I don't want to say any more in fear of giving away the ending to those who haven't seen it yet, but I will say that there is some hope in the end that life in such "developing countries" can progressively become more humane.

My cynical side says this wouldn't be popular with mainstream audiences here because it's too harsh. Also, it doesn't have the romantic beauty of a film like "Hero" or "Crouching Tiger". Still, it should've at least been released into the art-house circuit, where it probably would have found success.

Also, by the way, good luck Oscar with Frances bearing down hard on Florida. Seeing that thing on the satellite leaves me in awe; it's huge. At least we have the technology these days to see it coming and make preparations...

oscar jubis
09-01-2004, 09:51 PM
I'm also convinced Blind Shaft would have found success in the art-house circuit. Glad you liked it. A lot of great East Asian films this year. Hero, Zaitochi, Twilight Samurai, Blind Shaft, Oasis, Spring,Summer..., Samaria, etc. I wonder when we'll get to watch the latest Hiyao Miyazaki and Hou films.

Thanks for wishing me luck re:Frances. Looks like it will definitely hit the Florida peninsula Friday night. I hope it lands on a sparsely populated area (North of Daytona and S of St. Petersburg would be ideal) and that trailer dwellers evacuate inland. Officials here are being extremely cautious. For instance, schools are already closed until tuesday.